First and foremost — Spiritual!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

From Something On Purpose     ( full text available in books)

                                                                                                                                      Chapter 98 

Why is it that through all the eons of time there is a resistance to waking up to the truth of life? The answer is this. You are caught in the web of deceit that would have you believe that you are just a physical body, living and moving in a physical universe, with nothing else to rely on, nor connect to there. Now your churches and your religious ideas often include the spiritual dimension as real there, but have not fully brought to the world, the very profound truth of the ever-present reality of spirit, the very truth of life. 

The spiritual basis for life has not been fully explored and fully embraced, for it would usher in that which is unable to be counted and quantified, and would make life as that which is unable to be manipulated by the powerful and the dominate, those who seek control for their own gains and for their own ego needs. 

The spiritual world cannot be held to outcomes that are repeatable and predictable, nor the outcomes based on tried and true methods of achieving goals. Therefore, the spiritual reality of life is held at bey, and held as something minor and as that which is looked at only upon occasion when some anomaly happens, or someone show evidences of abilities outside the norm. 

I can tell you that this is changing, there. More and more, people are discovering that within them is a resource that will far expand their understanding of what life is about. Within them is a place of communication, relationship, that far expands the understandings and the means and the methods of moving ahead, of finding joy and peace and fulfillment there. There is a radical shift occurring there, dear one, and this shift is being felt by many. 

How wonderful for Earth to, at last, open to receive what is the natural state to be in, that is, living and communicating and knowing that the world is spiritual, and that All are a part of the Wholeness, there. No one is left out. This is such good news to hear, and it is such a breakthrough for your planet. Soon you will join the greater hierarchy of the universal movement of your Source. Soon, dear one, soon. Join now and remember, you are never alone. 

A Gentle Spirit 

A gentle spirit lives within,

And fills me with its grace.

It lives and moves as who I am,

A constant warm embrace. 

It harbors no attachment there, 

To needs, wants and desire,

 But lives complete, a glowing thing, 

Unlike a raging fire. 

Its constancy, its call to peace, 

Its music is a song,

Of love that sings eternally,

Of love that heals all wrong. 

This gentle spirit that I am,

 Resides in you there, too,

 For it is One with who we are,

 One love, one life—it’s true! 

There is no division there, 

Our Maker moves as One,

 Liken we to sunbeams, 

Forthcoming from the sun. 

Embrace your gentle spirit,

 Embrace your others too,

For they are family, have no doubt,

They are One with you. 


 12/22/21. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.