Mind of connection...

Saturday, December 18, 2021

     From Something On Purpose    ( full text found in books)                                 

                                          Chapter 102 

What is it that will give you the momentum that is necessary to bring you fully into the flow of your life’s purpose there? What is it that will propel you onward, and offer to you, the reason and the necessary energy that will carry you forward? 

Now you have asked what is it, and I will tell you. That which will provide these things is realizing most profoundly, that you are not alone! You are not alone there to generate will power, kindle the fire of forward progress, nor use your body to get yourself up and running and moving into high gear. No, dear one, this is not the case. In all ways, it is your mindset of connection to whom and what you are that will provide the guidance necessary to move forward there. You will find that the mindset of connection is the place where the movement occurs, always. It is the mind of connection that puts it all into perspective and provides the necessary means to allow for the unfolding to occur. 

Now you may say, but I know what I need to do and I know how to go forward, but the energy isn’t there, the validation from others isn’t there, and the feed back from others that seems to bring me forward, isn’t there. We can tell you that these things will come, these things will come, but you must first and foremost, come into the place of connection to your right mind, the mind of the Holy Spirit, your Wholeness, there. 

As you do this, you will feel into it, you will feel into it! We can tell you that the insurmountable obstacles that seem to be there will be replaced with an optimism and a ‘can do’ attitude that you share with us who are woking mightily with you. So, the call is to go for it, go for it, there. You are not alone there, ever, dear one, truly, you are not alone there ever. Now is the time to turn inward and let your willingness come forth. Let your willingness to listen and follow come forth. We will show you the perfect way there, and we will be with you through it all. Never alone, truly, never alone. 

A  Call to Action

Let’s not embrace the status quo,

Assuming it’s the best,

Let’s work for what is better,

Pursue a noble quest. 

There’s room for much improvement,

God’s love will lead the way,

Its light will move us forward,

Into a brand new day. 

You’re ready for the challenge,

You’ve heard God’s mighty call,

To awaken All to Oneness,

The One includes the All. 

You’re up against a mindset,

Believing it is real,

That it’s really you, there,

‘Defending’ is its spiel.

This separated mindset,

This ego that has spun,

A web that covers truth, there,

Is easily undone.

Just turn within to Me, dear,

And ask that I show you,

The glorious Mind of Source within

Perpetually shining through. 

It shines with living love there, 

God’s meaning that you are,

Now ego’s web is broken.

Behold, you are God’s star!

You’re held in Universal Mind, 

As perfect, whole, and free, 

Living love’s your substance, 

Dynamic energy.

The status quo, the stasis,

No longer has appeal,

Dynamic love has entered,

God’s Movement felt so real! 

You are God’s point of light there,

God’s love moves on through you,

Healing and redeeming,

Making all things new. 

This poem is given to you,

To rouse you from your sleep,

So we can ‘waken others,

Our destiny to keep.

In closing let Me tell you, 

What you have surely known 

I am with you always, 

You are not alone. 



12/18/21. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.