One in spirit...

Monday, December 6, 2021

From The Resurrected  ( full text available in books)

Chapter 83 

We are One in spirit and we are One in intention. Our Oneness with our Source is inherent in whom and what we are, and our Oneness is not something that is arbitrary there. No, our Oneness is an absolute, a truth, and a certainty. For our Oneness is only misunderstood as one chooses to live from separation. 

Now indeed, many live from separation and cannot see the Oneness of life. They have chosen a path which allows for limitation to be felt and lived from, and they have allowed for the defenses of mind, the ego framework, to work mightily in their lives. This separated sense of self sees life as that which is alienated and that which is a struggle to get through. They have viewed the world as that which is filled with obstacles to overcome and limitations inherent within it. And so their lives have been filled with developing strategies to deal with the situation there. Covering all of this is a nicety, a pleasantness and a world view of sympathy to others. But the basic premise is wrong! The basic premise of separation is wrong! 

This is important to know and to look at for what has happened here to you. Over time and over the millennia the perpetration of a mind set of limitation has impelled itself into your consciousness, and you have lived from protection and from paranoia. Fear-based and insecure you have felt there. We have observed you as you have found such narrowness in your lives and we have not been without sadness there. But we do claim our hope in the eternalness, the truth of life and the knowingness of what the nature of Source really is, and we carry this with us here on the invisible plane. Now our task of life to you, our mission to you, is to penetrate the mind set of ignorance so rampant there, and to bring a clearing to the mind set of fear, and so we are working to bring this to you with an earnest- ness of beloved family members, of Oneness there. 

We would urge each and every one to turn quietly inward and ask that these words find a home to live in there. May the fertile ground of your heart open to receive these words and as they bear fruit may you move lovingly into your Wholeness. We are indeed One there, ever One. 

The Poetry of Oneness

We move as One together,

When you have joined in Mind,

Let go of separation, 

Embraced the ties that bind. 

Our Oneness includes All, dear,

Spiritually intertwined,

Woven inextricably,

It’s living love, you’ll find. 

This is God’s very meaning,

Fills All Creation there,

Permeates the Oneness,

So All will fully share,

In living love’s great purpose,

Healing, making new,

Redeeming and transforming,

Revealing what is true.

Awakening you to Oneness,

Is why I’m there within,

To shatter your defenses—

Let God’s love pour on in.

I’m there to guide, to teach you,

To be your dearest friend,

I will never leave you,

My Presence knows no end. 

To be ‘At One’ with Source, dear,

Is claiming who you are,

His Child and His very Own,

His point of light, His star.

Living love’s your birthright,

Inheritance sublime,

Do not waste a moment,

Now is the prefect time.  

Simply turn within, dear,

When you have found your peace,

I’ll hear your invitation,

Aloneness, now will ceae.  


In Closing I will tell you,

I love you, we are One,

Let’s work to bring in others, 

’Til all awakening’s done. 


12/6/21 Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.