Sharing is caring...

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Do you have news in your life that you are holding onto and savoring without sharing it with others? Are you choosing to keep the good news or special info, private as your own little secret to have and to hold onto like a stash of gold? Like a squirrel keeping his nuts hidden, or a child who secrets away candy in a drawer, are you taking pleasure in knowing something that others don’t know? This is ego, dear one,  this is pure ego. I am not saying that everything should be shared with everyone, but there is a certain kindness that can be given by sharing and bringing the other into the joy of it all, dear one. It is hurtful to find out later, that someone close has kept important, worthy of sharing information, private. 

God keeps nothing of Himself away from His own. He shares His meaning of living love fully with each and every created being. His meaning flows forth abundantly and without excluding anyone.  All are One with the Source, our Father/Mother God. The call is to also be inclusive in your caring and sharing with others, there. How warm it feels to be included and how harsh it feels to be excluded. Pay attention, dear ones, and don’t overlook that person, friend, or family member who may seem less involved but who really cares a great deal about what is going on in your life. Inclusiveness is paramount in spiritual life. Sharing is caring and know that I share Myself fully with you as you turn within and ask Me in. I love you dearly and know that you are never alone.  


Worthy of Sharing

Something worthy of sharing,

Is that which fills the need,

Is that which serves God’s purpose,

In action, word, and deed.

Something worthy of sharing,

Will not the ego feed,

Will not increase division,

Nor sow dissension’s seed. 

Something worthy of sharing,

Will calm the troubled mind,

Will bring relief, redemption, 

Right there, within, you’ll find,

What’s truly worthy of sharing,

It’s who you really are, 

God’s point of living love there,

You are His shining star. 

This love is God’s great power,

His meaning, always true,

It heals, renews, redeems, there,

It moves, as One, with you.  

When you turn within, dear,

And ask I join you there,

I’ll give you what is worthy,

So that you can share,

Can share with all the others,

The truth that you’ve been told,

Love is the great foundation,

 For God’s will to unfold. 

Love is worthy of sharing,

I’ll guide you plain and clear, 

Love heal’s the separation,

Just follow what you hear. 

In closing I will tell you,

What you have truly known,

I am with you always,

You are not alone! 


12/15/21. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website.Thanks.