The Action Plan is Choosing

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Action Plan is Choosing

How you live your life, there,

Is completely up to you.

You choose to live joined with Me,

Or let ego’s lies ensue. 

You choose to stay attuned there,

To listen to My Voice,

Or forsake your very truth, dear,

It truly is your choice. 

I’m not an idle bystander, 

Uninvolved, aloof, apart,

But I cannot nor I will not,

Dishonor your choice, your part. 

When I see that you are open,

And have asked Me to join you, 

I’ll let you know I’m here, dear,

My Presence, you’ll find true. 

It takes two to join together,

So when you join with Me,

You’re joining with Transcendent Mind, 

God’s Oneness, there, will be.

Now you’ve found your truth, dear, 

Your certain identity, 

You are God’s child, made Whole, dear,

You’re now, at home, with Me. 

You’ll find a love so mighty,

A Friendship that's divine,

Living love will lead us,

It’s light, for us, will shine. 

You’ll know your path is certain, 

You walk not there, alone, 

I am right beside you,

Such joy, you’ve never known. 

So choose for Me this day, dear, 

Together, we will find,

Fulfillment in each moment, 

God’s love, the tie that binds. 

The action plan is choosing, 

So find your peace within,  

Open to My Presence,

 God’s will may now begin!  

12/14/21. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.