Called on to witness...

Saturday, January 8, 2022

You are called on to witness…

From Something On Purpose.  (Full text available in books)

Chapter 63 

Forward movement will involve the willingness to abandon the comfort of familiar ways of behaving and will require the conviction to openly communicate with others about inner guidance. Forward movement will require that you put your reticence on the back burner and put your willingness to voice what you have come to know to others there. This will take a willingness to be seen as on outlier or a fringe person and will require you to take the criticism and the sarcasm as that which is inconsequential to the big picture there. 

Giving your gift will require that you move with steadfastness forward, always in touch with guidance and with your guides, there. It will require that you abandon the need to be sequestered in your private place and will require that you move into the public eye. 

This is truly what is called for and will not be as difficult as it seems there. We will guide you in this and we will show you the way. Now the time for intense listening and writing is called for, and the time for shedding the cloak of obscurity is at hand. 

You are truly called to witness to what you have come to know and you are called on to be the Voice for Truth there. Now the time of the great gifting will occur. For we can tell you that the time is now. The doors will open and the way forward will be shown to you. As you move into this next stage of giving your gift, you will be called on to trust, for you will find that some will listen and some will dismiss you and some will ignore you. 

Those who find fertile ground in what is said will flourish and will find the words are of the most important for them. Stay firm and stay in tune and in touch there. Now as you finish this chapter, let your willingness increase and your desire to give the gift be foremost in your mind. We are there with you, dear one, truly, we are there with you. 

Worthy of Sharing

Something worthy of sharing,

Is that which fills the need,

Is that which serves God’s purpose,

In action, word, and deed.

Something worthy of sharing,

Will not the ego feed,

Will not increase division,

Nor sow dissension’s seed. 

Something worthy of sharing,

Will calm the troubled mind,

Will bring relief, redemption, 

Right there, within, you’ll find,

What’s truly worthy of sharing,

It’s who you really are, 

God’s point of living love there,

You are His shining star. 

This love is God’s great power,

His meaning, always true,

It heals, renews, redeems, there,

It moves, as One, with you.  

When you turn within, dear,

And ask I join you there,

I’ll give you what is worthy,

So that you can share,

Can share with all the others,

The truth that you’ve been told,

Love is the great foundation,

 For God’s will to unfold. 

Love is worthy of sharing,

I’ll guide you plain and clear, 

Love heal’s the separation,

Just follow what you hear. 

In closing I will tell you,

What you have truly known,

I am with you always,

You are not alone! 


1/8/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website.Thanks.