Direct connection was forgotten...

Monday, January 10, 2022

From Something On Purpose  (Full text can be found in books)

Chapter 76 

Why is it that this great reality of life has been so forgotten there and so maligned? Why is it that man/womankind have turned to only themselves for answers to life’s situations? That is the subject of this chapter, and so let us begin. 

There existed a time when man/womankind did move from Source there, and did live as connected to God or the divine. There was a time when life was experienced as truly that which ushers forth from God and when the Earth was a place of great peace, joy, love and light. 

There was a time in antiquity that was brought to its end when experiments were tried in the do-it-yourself method, and as this continued and people became entrenched in this way, the connection to Source became an extra thing and a thing of privilege to be had by the few. 

As people let go of their connection, they began to have fears, as they no longer felt the security and safety of their Source within. They became afraid and started to build defense structures to guard against what was perceived as alien or as destructive there. The buildup of this defense structure reinforced itself and over the millennia, became firmly entrenched in the mindset of man/womankind. 

Now fear and ego reigned supreme and the life of tranquility and peace was lost there. It was lost and it was held as only that which could be achieved in life after death for good behavior. The many who were in power encouraged this thinking and reinforced it and eventually made it a place for profit to be had. 

Now the direct connection to Source needed to be made by an intercessory there, and so prayers were offered to this or that saint to allow for miracles to happen or circumstances to be changed. 

Saints were prayed to and felt as better than others and more in union with God. The masses felt that penance must be made and prayers given again and again to bring about salvation and healing and miracles and peace and safety in daily life. Most of all, the constant promise that life after death would mean heaven and a chance to be with God. 

This led to a belief that suffering could atone for sins and corporal punishment would lead to worthiness there. So priests and monks would beat themselves, fast, and suffer great hardships to bring about release for what they thought was guilt and the immoral nature of mankind. This was passed on to the people there, and left many feeling as though they were corrupt sinners and worthy of nothing there, broken and worthless, and only if prayer and following the mandates of those in power in the church hierarchy could they be saved. 

How horrible it was for the people to have to live life in such a condemned way there. How difficult it was to feel God’s love and blessing. The people were left as children to obey the power structures and to live as puppets to a God whom they thought could banish them to hell. 

As we observed this from our side, we brought those to the earth plane who would teach others about the Holy Spirit within, and who would tell of the direct and immediate presence of God to each and every one there. 

Now the great releasing occurred and the way of inner guidance took hold. We were so happy from our side, for now we could interact with those who quieted their thinking mindset and let us in there. We were so happy and so delighted that we could show people the way to live there and the way to make choices and move forward with the true Source of life there to love, guide, protect and cherish there. 

How wonderful this was, and as now many turned inward, the way of direct connection became common there. Many prayers were heard and answered there. 

Now we are again at that point where we are telling people to turn inward and ask for guidance from Source. We are at that point again, and we are urging you to let go of your separated mindset and turn inward there. You are never alone there and you are always met with the love and guidance from those of us working with you. You are not alone there ever, dear ones, and so turn here and ask for our involvement with you. You must ask, for we cannot force ourselves on you ever. Let in and allow, for indeed, we are One. 

A Restorative Connection

A restorative connection,

Is what you have with Me,  

Restored to your transcendence, 

Your originality. 

Mind in that quiet place within,

When you have found your peace,

And asked Me to be with you,

Aloneness now will cease. 

Connected and together, 

With love our sacred bond, 

This love, nothing will sever, 

This lifetime and beyond.

As restoration happens, 

You’re restored to whom you are,  

To whom you’ve always been, dear,

God’s child, His radiant star.

You are that very place where,

God’s meaning comes on through,

His love and light shine’s brightly forth,

Making all things new.

Open up to Me, dear,

Let’s join right now as One, 

Restored to truth at long last,

Now falsity is done. 

’Twill be like coming home, dear,

So right, so sound, so free,

You’ll smile, shed tears of joy, there, 

Here’s where you’re meant to be. 

I’m calling out quite clearly,

My intention now I state,

To live as One with you, dear, 

With open arms, I wait. 

In closing let Me tell you 

I love you as My Own,

I am with you always, 

You are not alone. 


1/10/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.