'Eternality' and 'ever unfolding anew'...

Saturday, January 29, 2022

From The Resurrected   (full text available in books)

Chapter 51 

Let us begin this chapter with some facts about the fundamental nature of you. Let us begin by examining what could be called principalities or laws, first causes. Now you have as the core of your being, a body of light which is indwelt by your soul. Soul is your capacity to feel into the substance, the nature of things, as they are presented to you. Your soul is a guidepost, a wayshower for action. 

Now you are indwelt by spirit and you are that same spiritual body living on many dimensions there. You do not realize this at this time. As you have chosen to now experience the third dimension, the material plane, you have had that body of materialism to be experienced. But, in all ways, your eternal body, your body of light, exists on other planes as well. Yes, it is the truth there. You do exist on multiple planes of existence in which you are a participant. But your conscious awareness remains with the material plane at this time. 

The principality of eternality is indeed valid. You are an eternal one and have lived from the beginning of creation. Your Source held you and holds you in universal mind currently, and you have not been let go of as you have sojourned on the third dimension. Now the principality of eternalness is important for you to understand for it can release your fear of the end point of existence which does not happen. Always, you will continue on with life. 

Another principality is the principality of ever unfolding anew. You are that which unfolds anew. As the old dies, the new is born again and again and again. And so you are ever increasing in your life and knowing of your reality, of the created universe. Ever unfolding anew! What a wonderful thing this is to ponder and how refreshing to know that as you let go of the limitations of the separated way you are born again anew into an understanding that is increased in breath and depth and scope. And so the principalities of eternalness and ever experiencing anew are delightful to incorporate into your mind set now. How invigorating this is and how important in releasing the constraints and the boredom and the depression so often experienced on your plane. Now I would encourage each one to ask of his/ her guide to show you how you can let go of the old in your life and embrace the new, for you can undertake this in a much more conscious way. As the Phoenix rises from the ashes bright and new, so you can be born again into the love and the innocence and the freedom which are inherently yours. As this chapter on the first causes of life, the principalities of life is given, rejoice in this and undertake to find what you need to know to move lovingly forward there. Given in peace to you, I am with you there. 

Ever Unfolding Anew

Your life unfolds anew there,

Held perfect, whole, and free,

God’s love fulfills its function,

Transforming, constantly.

This love itself is constant,

Within, throughout the All,

Healing and redeeming,

‘Twill answer to your call.

Love is your very meaning,

I’m there within to pour,

To bathe you in Loves’s cleansing,

Renewing and much more.

Love releases stasis,

Now zest for life is there,

We trust in life’s unfolding,

Held safely in God’s care. 

Joining is essential,

In Mind, come home to Me,

A separated mindset,

Leaves out Transcendency.

Love’s power to ‘make right’ there,

Power beyond words—it’s true,

Could move a mighty mountain,

Could change the world’s view!

Let’s now restate our mission,

God’s Love’s our guiding star,

To awaken All to Oneness,

To whom you really are.

Each one must come to know there,

His true identity, 

Must let go of illusion,

His truth he’ll clearly see.

Call on Me to guide you,

I’ll lead you through the fray, 

Ego’s defense will fade there—

Like ice, ’twill melt away. 

At last, you’ll know most fully,

No more, you’ll need to roam,

You’ve found just who you are, dear,

As One, with God, your home.  


1/29/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.