The Great Connection...

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

From Something On Purpose ( full text found in books)

Chapter 70 

What can be called heresy by some, as it seems to fly in the face of the norm there, must be put to the test of experience. Those who call the Voice for Truth heresy, must put to the test this magnificent gift, this relationship within. It is truly the one point that will be put under the microscope there, as it will challenge the very basis of what is considered healthy thought processes. It will be looked at as that which is off balance and that which accompanies those who are insane. 

How is it that something so wonderful can be viewed as that which is called psychosis, there? Well, the reason for this is that the ego mindset, the separated self, has often allowed itself to be reigned over by the cognitive function there, as it ushers in hatred and murderous ideas. It is truly as the joined perspective is allowed to be invited in, and as the Source of love becomes available, that this separated sense will diminish and be extinguished as the illusion that it is and as the nothingness that it is. It is truly as the Mind of Source is allowed to be experienced, that true mental health will reign supreme. 

It is truly only as one experiences this, that it can be known. No one can tell others about it, and no one can carry the load for another. It must be an individual experience and it must be invited in and embraced by the one who is willing, there. 

Now the time is right for you to let go of your thoughts and wanderings and to allow for a clear place to be experienced, there. It is time to allow for the peace of your being to be experienced. We would say to allow for this and to let in your willingness to hear. Ask, Are you there Father? Is my guidance there? You will be heard and you will be answered. 

Now will come the great connection and the great releasing of the mindset of separation, there. And in will come the Source of joy, peace, love, security, and the forward movement with you as the beneficiary, which in turn will benefit all. You are this love and you are this place of connection within. Let in and allow, for indeed, I am here to answer you. Never alone, truly, never, alone. 

Your Mind is a Portal

Your Mind is a portal,

Where My words come through,

A place where transcendence,

Joins fully, with you. 

I speak when invited,

If your will is there,

I give you My Presence—

Stand ready to share.

To share my intention,

To guide you, to teach,

Of our direct connection—

So easy to reach.

Your Mind unconnected,

To God’s Holy Light,

Is filled with the ego,

Illusion’s false sight. 

This veil of illusion,

Is whispery thin,

Is easily dismissed,

When I am let in. 

We’ll work to undo it,

Right all that is wrong,

Defenses will fall there,

’Til they are all gone. 

Gone is the veil there,

God’s Light now shines through,

Its radiance awakens,

The Love that is you. 

So, dear, I ask you,

Will you ask Me in? 

Will you invite Me?

Let us begin!

I’ve always been with you,

And always will be,

Open up to Me,

Find Love’s ecstasy. 

Open Mind ‘s portal,

Where Love flows on through,

Renewing, redeeming,

I’m right here for you!


1/5/22 Given from Jesus. Sharing is heartily encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.