For all people and for all time...

Saturday, November 19, 2022

From With Love in the Oneness

Chapter 60 

The message of Oneness is for all people and for all time. The message of direct connection to the spiritual dimension within, to your guide, and to me is the same—for all people and for all time. Let us move forward in this book, knowing that this is not a partial truth, nor a bit of spiritual insight to be added to your collection of different beliefs and understandings, there. You will need to erase and replace your idea of ‘the trinity’ with ‘the unity’ of God. God is united, non-divided, and moves as a Wholeness, there. Nothing or no one is left out. 

I am not meant to be worshipped as you have been taught in your churches and places of religious learning. To worship according to the Greek New Testament, is most often translated to mean ‘to fall down before’ or ‘to kneel down to.’ I am asking you to stand up tall with me. Walk with me, hand in hand. My intention is to raise you up to your full stature as direct inheritors there, as children of our Father/Mother God. We are brothers and sisters, siblings, and family, there. 

Let us be done with hatred of self, and feelings of guilt and mortification, there. Let us be done with the loathing of our bodies, or, in contrast, the self-glorification of the physical vessel as a stand out feature to display proudly to others. The true appreciation of our body is using it in following God’s will in our lives. 

This book, and all the other ‘So That You May Know’ books, have as one of their fundamental purposes, to enlighten you in how to find that divine will, there. It is not in reading the Bible, though that is a good thing, nor is it in going to church, though that may help, nor is in doing good works, a worthy use of time, that God’s will can necessarily be found for you. It is by quietly going within and asking that His will for you, be made known to you. It is by establishing a relationship with me, so that we can together, undo the misconceptions that have so long plagued you and humankind, there. It is by realizing that God’s Mind is universal and holds you there in perfection, as you were created. You came to Earth with a purpose there, a divine purpose, God’s will, to fulfill. 

Let’s find it together there, dear one, and joy in the journey as we do. I love you, and know that you are never alone. 

The Poetry of Oneness

We move as One together,

When you have joined in Mind,

Let go of separation, 

Embraced the ties that bind. 

Our Oneness includes All, dear,

Spiritually intertwined,

Woven inextricably,

It’s living love, you’ll find. 

This is God’s very meaning,

Fills All Creation there,

Permeates the Oneness,

So All will fully share,

In living love’s great purpose,

Healing, making new,

Redeeming and transforming,

Revealing what is true.

Awakening you to Oneness,

Is why I’m there within,

To shatter your defenses—

Let God’s love pour on in.

I’m there to guide, to teach you,

To be your dearest friend,

I will never leave you,

My Presence knows no end. 

To be ‘At One’ with Source, dear,

Is claiming who you are,

His Child and His very Own,

His point of light, His star.

Living love’s your birthright,

Inheritance sublime,

Do not waste a moment,

Now is the perfect time.  

Simply turn within, dear,

When you have found your peace,

I’ll hear your invitation,

Aloneness, now will cease.  


In Closing I will tell you,

I love you, we are One,

Let’s work to bring in others, 

’Til all awakening’s done. 


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