We have The Present Moment

Friday, November 4, 2022

We Have The Present Moment

We have the present moment,

Our joy within to share, 

Right now to feel our Oneness,

Embraced by love’s fresh air. 

This love’s not stale or old there,

Not like a worn out shoe,

Exhilarating, vibrant,

This love shines so band new!

Your mind once closed, now open,

Transcendence, there—it’s you!

Unbounded love’s God’s meaning,

Where miracles come through.

No need to have a ritual,

No memorized prayer to say, 

Just find your peace, then ask Me in,

Love’s miracles there each day! 

Expect the unexpected,

And trust in what’s to come,

Stay joined with Me in Oneness,

Love’s where it all comes from.

Love beyond all measure,

God’s light, Transcendence’s power,

Can move a mighty mountain, 

Can paint a tiny flower. 

Open up to Me, dear,

Letting love’s light flow through,

Now is the right time, dear, 

I’m here, waiting for you. 

11/04/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website. If you have come to know of My Direct Presence within, and if you have found the love, guidance, and help that is there for you, please witness of this to others. It is truly what is most important for the healing of a world that lives in separation from Source. Tell others, dear one, tell others.