Body, God's creation, not to be undermined...

Monday, December 12, 2022

From With Love in the Oneness

Chapter 72 

I did return as a resurrected one. Many who knew me saw and believed there. Many saw and understood that life is eternal and that death has no sting. And so, even as I returned to those beloved ones in Palestine, I continued on with my mission then, and even now. I left the earth plane as a physical presence, but always, I remained as a spiritual presence available in the hearts and minds to all who invited me in. 

Throughout the ages, many opened up to Me and came to understand the power of living love as God’s meaning. Many interpretations of what I had said came forth as time passed, and the simple joy of being the place of God’s love in the world was replaced with earning that love and life eternal, through good works and through denial of physical pleasures. It was thought that suppressing the physical body in favor of the spiritual reality was what was called for. This was not what I taught, for the physical body is God’s great manifestation there, as you, in this physical dimension. 

Yes, you are first and foremost a spiritual being, but you are not to degrade, mortify, and deny the physical body in any way! This is not God’s will for you, ever. The body is and should be a place of delight when used to glorify life in all its splendor. It is God’s idea of you made manifest, and are we to be critical of what God has made? No, dear one, never. 

We are not to be critical and we are not to undermine the integrity of what our Father has created, there. In the Bible, your body has been called the temple of the Holy Spirit, and indeed it is where God comes forth as that point of love and light that is you, right where you are. 

Now this does not mean that you allow your body to run your life, for it will demand a certain amount of self control and discipline on your part. It is to be looked at as the gift where you come forth doing God’s will and giving the gift of yourself to your world, there. As you turn inward to me, I will show you the way to appropriately use your body as the Father would have you use it, to glorify God’s great creation and All That Is there for you. Let us now turn to another subject you will find of importance there, the subject of our Oneness. 


The Poetry of Oneness

We move as One together,

When you have joined in Mind,

Let go of separation, 

Embraced the ties that bind. 

Our Oneness includes All, dear,

Spiritually intertwined,

Woven inextricably,

It’s living love, you’ll find. 

This is God’s very meaning,

Fills All Creation there,

Permeates the Oneness,

So All will fully share,

In living love’s great purpose,

Healing, making new,

Redeeming and transforming,

Revealing what is true.

Awakening you to Oneness,

Is why I’m there within,

To shatter your defenses—

Let God’s love pour on in.

I’m there to guide, to teach you,

To be your dearest friend,

I will never leave you,

My Presence knows no end. 

To be ‘At One’ with Source, dear,

Is claiming who you are,

His Child and His very Own,

His point of light, His star.

Living love’s your birthright,

Inheritance sublime,

Do not waste a moment,

Now is the prefect time.  

Simply turn within, dear,

When you have found your peace,

I’ll hear your invitation,

Aloneness, now will cease.  


In Closing I will tell you,

I love you, we are One,

Let’s work to bring in others, 

’Til all awakening’s done. 


12/12/22. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.