Consider yourself a forerunner....

Saturday, December 17, 2022

From With Love in the Oneness

Chapter 77 

Your global identity will be made known to you as awakening occurs on your planet. The Earth is not just a solitary, inhabited, celestial object all by itself and moving as a happenstance occurrence. It is connected, in all ways, to the entirety of the Universe and beyond. The idea of a singular planetary movement is false on all fronts, and, as with all things, the interconnectivity of your planet with the Whole of the Solar System and the Universal Hierarchy of which it is a part is true, without a doubt. Your planet, is held closely as an evolving planet, watched over by many others, as any young child or adolescent would be watched over and cared for. 

Earth is, we might say, at the point of emergence into the larger Wholeness of which it is a part. Your lovely and beloved planet is held in Universal Mind as perfect, whole, and free, just as are its inhabitants. It too, carries God’s meaning within it, and as it. It too, is the movement of living love. It too, is constantly being renewed and transformed, ever unfolding anew as One movement of Father /Mother God, Source, Universal Mind, Creator, Sustainer — whichever name suits your understanding. 

Carry your mind with expectancy as so much is brought to light about the greater unfolding of your planet. Now there will still be deniers there, who are invested in keeping things the same way. They have indulged themselves mightily with their power and wealth and have no need for any other information. They do not want to ‘rock the boat,’ as their power base may change, and they do not want this, ever. But even these ones must, sooner or later, let ignorance go and open to the intelligent truth of life, that they are interconnected most soundly, with all others there. 

Now you may consider yourself a forerunner to what is occurring, for you have the advantage of knowing that to turn inward to the spiritual plane, to me, will allow for your guidance to be shared, and for greater understandings to come forth for you and for others there. You have an advantage and a duty to share what comes forth, if it will, indeed, benefit your others who are also a part of your Oneness. Each One is the Whole! Do you get it there, do you understand what this means? I love you dearly, and know that you are never ALONE, dear one, but always, ALL ONE. 

Alone No More Forever

You’ve heard this phrase before, dear, 

‘No man’s an island’ there,

The truth of this so powerful,

We need each other’s care.  

Without the care of others,

Care we give or are given to, 

We miss out on the privilege

Of letting love flow through.

We miss out on the full embrace,

Of God’s United Soul,

Our brothers and our sisters,

Complete this One Great Whole. 

In giving to each other,

It’s to ourselves we give,

We’re joined in love forever,

As One, we’re made to live.

If you feel separated,

Alone and held apart,

I’m here within to love you,

Ask Me in, we’ll start.

We’ll start a real relationship,

I’ll guide you to what’s true,

Alone no more forever,

Always, I’m with you. 

I’ve always been there with you,

You needed just to ask,

Love will heal all problems, 

Renewal is its task. 

Aloneness is illusion,

An impossibility,

I’ll embrace you with such fulness,

You’ll know you’re joined with Me!

In closing I will share again

The truth My love has shown, 

I am with you always, 

You are not alone.   


12/17/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.