Don't accept suffering...totally inappropriate....

Thursday, February 24, 2022

From The Resurrected  (full text found in books)

Chapter 71 

We are working with you to further your desire to find out more of the truth of life there. We are working unceasingly to give you the needed impetus to search for the more of you that is there to be found. Now you may say that you are satisfied with your life, for you have found some measure of happiness. You are content to endure the hardships there, and the sufferings that have been experienced by you, and you have shrugged it off as life. You have excused your difficulties as that which is a normal part of life and that which is necessary for all to go through. You have denied any inclination to rethink this or to question this, for it seems such a fundamental part of each one’s experience. 

Well, let me share with you something. Your idea of suffering is totally inappropriate, dear one. Your idea of unhappiness or limited joy is truly that which the ego is intent on instilling in you, for you are then held captive to its dictates as it insinuates itself as necessary as a defense there for you. And so you have created defenses that have walled you off from experiencing the truth of you. You have resorted to a mind set of adjustment, which is in all ways, faulty there. For your life is meant to be that which is whole, complete, joyous, and free of suffering, and all the things which subject you to pain. Your life is meant to be a movement of fulfillment there, and it is accessible to you. I can truly tell you, that as you do so open up to recieve, you will find a much more harmonious way to live life, and a way that disclaims suffering, sickness, and ultimately disclaims even death, as unneccesary. 

Now you may say that this is wishful thinking and filled with misconceptions. You say that there is evidence all around you that pain and suffering are a part of life, and death, disease and sorrow abound. Well, these mind sets are truly that which are made up. You are indeed, an eternal being, a spiritual reality composed of love, and living and moving from that same love. Now love is not that which suffers as inherent to it. Love is not that which dies at its end point and love is not that which holds anything disharmonious in its energy field. You are this love and you have this spiritual reality created and sustained by the love that is you.

Now the call is to claim this, dear one. Claim this and disavow your belief in the mind set of suffering, pain, and sorrow. These things can be allowed to dissipate. The eternal reality of you will come forth. You are spiritual, you are eternal, and you are the movement of love made manifest. That is the truth there, that is the truth. 

Love is Elemental

Love is elemental,

To whom you really are,

It’s not a chosen 'add on’—

Like glitter on a star. 

A fundmental substance—

God’s meaning coming through,

Love has its divine purpose—

To heal, redeem, renew.

It’s basic to your being,

That’s why I’m asking you,

To open to My guidance—

To let this love come through.

Find peace within, then ask Me,

I’ll answer to your call,

Joining is the answer,

Love’s there for you — for all! 

A powerhouse, yet simple,

It works with what is there,

Brings order out of chaos,

Transforms beyond compare.

This love is truly you, dear,

You’re not the ego’s slave,

Held hostage to defenses—

Sin, sickness, and the grave.

Call on living love, dear,

To set free and arrange,

In God’s own divine order,

What’s in need of change.

Love is elemental,

It basic and its true,

It’s what we’re really made of,

Let’s let its light shine through!

One more verse I give you,

Before this poem will end,

I am with you always,

My love, to you, I send. 


2/24/22 Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.