Ego mindset will confront you...

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

From The Resurrected ( full text found in books)

Chapter 31 

As you allow for the movement of connection, there will be several things that will confront you. First, you will find that you are often persuaded to give in to the movement of ego there, the movement of the historical, the familiar way. And this for a time will feel comfortable in its familiarity. But soon you will sense the discomfort, for you will feel the boredom, the lack of forward movement and the depression which often accompanies the ego ways. Now the call for you will be to turn again to your guidance for the next step to extricate yourself from the habitual way of responding to your circumstances. Small steps away from the enculturated way will be felt and these will be freeing for you. 

Another trap you will get into is the confrontation by others who have found your new-found way to be threatening to the comfort they have found with you in the old ways. These ones will try to convince you directly and indirectly to abandon your turning inward and will attempt to persuade you to join them in the familiar and tried ways. But, dear one, though you may love the ones who try to persuade you and are bound to them through relationship or kindred blood, you must truly challenge their call to come back to the old ways. 

Now it is not in abandoning friends, but it is in opening up to spirit, that true friendships can be made. And so I urge you not to think badly of these ones, but to commit to your path, your connection to inner guidance, to me there. We are One and the searching mind set of inner connection is the mind set to maintain. 

Now you will be faced also, with the perpetual need to ask often of our togetherness. Many times during the day you may ask, for you are letting go of an old way to think and be, and you must have verification again and again, to feel the certitude of this way. Now I can tell you that your persistence will be felt and the movement of inner guidance that will lovingly bring you forward into your feeling of Wholeness, Completeness will be felt. As you move lovingly to the tune of our connection, bit by bit, or in large leaps will your illusions be released. And as you feel into our relationship, the sweet accompaniment of the dearest nature, will be felt. So right will feel your world, your life. And the miracle-mindedness that you experience will be felt in the everyday events of your life, that now seem as miracles, as the perfect unfolding occurs. 

I can tell you that in all areas of your life, am I concerned and willing to guide you. Some of the things that you are involved with will drop away as no longer important and others will take on greater importance. You will find a simplification of experience and you will delight in this. The freedom to have as your advisor, the transcendent One, the Holy spirit within, will delight you and be felt as inviable or without cause for losing faith. The true nature of you will come forth, dear one. 

What wonderful news this is, for now you will have the lifeline which will carry you forward, through the times ahead. You have the answer to your questing as you have found the guidance so naturally there and so lovingly there for you. I would encourage each one of you to come forth with your cares and your concerns. Come forth with your guilt and your remorse and find the innocence, the way to live there, that will be truly nurturing for you. Now this is the truth, dear one. I would encourage you to find that quiet place within where you can bring to bear on your life circumstances, divine wisdom, love and intelligence. Not in one-upping your others there, but in showing them the truth about you and about them will the joy be felt. In the every day movement in which you are now living will the perfect outcome to all your circumstances be felt. As this chapter comes to a close, let us turn inward and lovingly find anew the friend there. I am there for you and I do love you. Now is the time. 

Your Forever Friend

I am Your Forever Friend,

Within your Mind and Heart,

I am that constant Presence,

Not separate, nor apart.

I’m here because I love you,

And so want you to know,

That we are joined forever,

In grace and love we’ll grow. 

Your part’s to open to Me,

To quiet ego’s mind,

To ask and listen closely,

The Voice for Truth you’ll find. 

Our life lived joined together,

Releases ego’s reign,

Dispels its faulty blustering.

Your Truth is now made plain!

I put this poem before you,

Simple as it may be,

I ask, yes, I implore you,

To come and join with Me. 

Truth is, we’re joined right now, dear,

Right there within to see,

I ask your recognition,

To lift your eyes to Me. 

A Friend Forever, yes, dear,

A guide and teacher, too,

God moves as One Great Wholeness, 

This Oneness moves with you.

A plea with One intention,

To waken you to see,

That you are not alone, dear,

That you are joined with Me. 

I’m waiting here within you,

Right now is the right time,

Come and find Your Forever Friend

Relationship sublime!


2/16/22 Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.