Filled with meaning...

Thursday, February 10, 2022

From The Resurrected ( full text found in books)

Chapter 38

What is the meaning of your life? This chapter will give you new insights into that and will shed light on the truth of you. You, right there, are the direct expression of your Source. You there, are the created one who was an idea in the mind of the Creator. Not an incidental, extraneous result of creation but an integral and thought out, a planned, a created aspect of the Wholeness there. You, right there, are the direct expression of the Source, moving and having your being in that Source always. You are a free-willed expression, that which can move and have your being freely. 

The meaning the Father has for you as you live is to be the place of love in the world. To be the place where the light of living love comes forth mightily and holds you in its embrace. In you, through you, and as you, does this light of living love shine through and in its purity it brings all into order, loving order there. The meaning you have as you come into the flow of your life’s mission, is to be the place of love, intentionally bringing the newness and co-creating with the Father. 

As you have read the story of John and Kara and as you have seen the power in their lives of the connection of guidance, you too, can have that same joy, that same connection, and that same forward movement. We would encourage you to not see this as an empty promise, nor deem it as irrelevant, but wholly embrace the news as that which is integral to life. Do not turn your life into a culture-driven and media-driven response, but instead, turn over your life to the stream of life-forming and life-enhancing intelligence from our Source. You are the place where this love comes through and you are the place of the forward flow there. In all ways you are the place. 

As you have found that you are infilled with spirit and as you continue to turn your life over to that spirit, you will have the verification time and time again as to what the purpose for your incarnation is. You will feel a pull to explore and discover what the true purpose is. The time to do this is now and the time to fully open up to receive is now. I would encourage each one to take the time necessary to explore the truth of you. Do not let your old habit patterns keep you tied and tethered to a routinized and joyless existence. For you are ready to open up there. 

Now we shall look at the role you will play closely. I will guide you and I will promote within you the necessary steps to take to bring about the awakening of you to your truth. How wonderful this will be and how delightful for you to discover the more of you that is there. Truly delightful will our journey there be. The awareness you will gain as you sense the joy of relationship and the truth of spirit existence will be the joy felt throughout the dimensions as your opening up will bring to all of us, a gleeful rejoicing, as another one finds the truth of life. How happy all will be, to welcome into the spiritual dimension, another one. One who was lost but who now has found the way. How happy we will be here! I am with you as you journey there and I am truly mindful of you as you embark on the discovery of the truth of you. Let in dear one, and allow, for indeed, we are One. 

Filled with Meaning

Each moment of your day, dear,

Will overflowing be,

With God’s energy of meaning, 

Love’s radiant vibrancy. 

When you have joined with Me, dear, 

The flood gates open wide,

Living love pours through, there, 

An all engulfing tide. 

Doubt and fear are gone now,

Joy lights up the air,

Infinite possibility,

Unfolds everywhere.

We live and move with sacred trust,

Following God’s will,

Love’s light leads ever onward,

Our purpose to fulfill.

Now we’ve found the reason,

Why we’re what we are, 

We’re meant to be God’s meaning,

His point of light, His star. 

The light of love God giveth,

Is gentle, yet filled with power,  

Can move a mighty mountain,

Can bloom a tiny flower. 

Join with Me within, dear, 

We have God’s work to do,

Now’s the time to open, 

I’m waiting here for you. 

In closing, let Me tell you,

I love you, deeply care,

I am with you always, 

Forever I am there. 



2/10/22. Given from Jesus, Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.