The Way Made Plain...

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

From Something On Purpose   ( full text found in books)

Chapter 97 

Bring to bear on your life, that which will lovingly move you forward there. Bring to bear on each circumstance and each choice that is to be made, divine guidance. Now these are not just words, but are filled with meaning there. These are not just words, but have the power to bring to you that which has certainty of outcome and certainty of perfect next steps there. 

Now the outcome will come at the time the Father has in mind, but as you do move from Source, you can be certain that the outcome will benefit you and therefore the Whole. This is very motivating for you, for it will make your choices filled with the knowing that you are doing what is best for the All of you, who and what you really are.This is so powerful, for it will give you the will and the way to move forward there. As you truly get this, truly get this, it will be as the way made plain for you. How wonderful this is, dear one, how wonderful this is. 

The connection, the joining, is truly a mindset that will benefit from regular practice and will soon be felt as the only way to live. It will be you, normal you, as you live, work, and play. Now the ego will rail against this and you will be brought up against mighty defenses that are subtle and persistent in their ploys to undermine you. They are subtle and persistent there. But remember, they are not real. They are made up things that are easily let go of as you dismiss them as not real. Dismiss the insinuations and the stealthy ways ego works, there. 

Listen to and turn inward there for the truth. The truth will get known to you as you do turn inward and ask, for we are here to further you along there and to allow for the separation to be healed. Do not listen to the insinuations of a mindset that will only have sin, sickness and death as its true motive. Do not listen there, for it is not the truth of you. You are much more there, dear one, truly you are much more. Now is the time to turn inward and ask for your guidance to show you the way. We are here and we love you and in this is the truth of it. All is well, all is well. 

The Way Made Plain

When a problem seems to overwhelm,

No answer yet, is clear,

Stay open for my guidance,

The forward way is near.

You’ve brought the problem to me,

I see more there than you,

The answer is forthcoming, 

Trust that it’s coming through. 

And when it comes, you’ll marvel,

The problem, now resolved,

For what had seemed impossible, 

Has easily been solved.

Each problem has an answer,

And clarity you’ll find, 

As we join together, 

With living love in Mind.

Love is the answer giver,

Its light will point the way,

It is God’s very meaning,

His Will made plain each day. 

Let not your heart be troubled, 

Abandon fear and fret, 

Abundantly God giveth, 

All needs, for you, are met.

Rest assured, I’m with you, 

What comes, as One, we’ll face,

Your problems, needs, and wants, there,

Are gone, with love’s embrace.

Your trust is really called for,

Yes, child-like it’s true, 

Yet trust’s the greatest wisdom,

Remember, I’m with you. 

Let’s close this poem with joy, dear,

The way ahead looks bright, 

God holds us in His keeping, 

And living love’s our light. 


2/8/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.