Abide with me...

Monday, March 28, 2022

From The Resurrected  (full text found in books)

Chapter 82 

Abide with me. Here is an abode of true light and love, true safety and security, and true freedom. Here in the quiet sanctuary of the heart, I long for you to join me. I long for you to share the love and the mighty blessings, the peace and the joy, the everlastingness of our relationship, together. We are met there with such tranquility in our journey together, that any thought of dis-ease is truly unthinkable. The calm and the peace, the quiet inner glow of love we share is such a delight for us here. 

As we walk the banks of the living waters, the stream of God-consciousness flows through us, and we abandon our sense of dis-ease, forever. The healing waters of living love nourish and feed us mightily, and we are rejuvenated. Laughingly we tarry, hand in hand, delighting in our path and merrily and jauntily we travel the journey there. Hand in hand we go, through the seeming miles of what could be viewed from one perspective as harrowing and frightening terrain, but we have the sublime union of each other to look at and laugh with and to find solace and comfort there, and so our journey is seen as a delight, a true delight there. Each and every step is relished in and each and every step is held in safety there. 

Now the journey becomes an adventure in love and an adventure in fulfillment, as each day opens up new vistas for us, of potential and fulfillment. Ever unfolding anew, we tread together into this journey throughout eternity. This is our eternal journey as our Source would have us live it there. This is our journey of love and it is the journey which is our destiny. We can only embrace it, dear one , and as you may think that these words are poetic and are meant to air brush a life of pain and suffering and are truly delusional in nature, let me assure you that they are not. 

For they are words of truth and are words of the inherent wonder of our Source, our Creator, there. This is our created heritage and it is now available as never before, for you are waking up there. You are waking up into the divine state of you, the natural and divine inheritance which is yours. Let these words penetrate deeply into your conditioned thinking, and drive a wedge into the idea of life as pain and suffering. Truly, you are meant to embrace and fully engage in this life and to do it as one joined. You are not alone there, ever. You are met always with love and guidance. That is the truth of it. 

Today We Move Together

Today, we move together,

And trust in what’s to come,

Without hesitation,

We know where we come from. 

From Love that dwells within us,

God’s meaning there is found,

It is the binding agent,

Now joyfully we’re bound!

Bound as One together,

Inextricably intertwined,

There is no separation,

With Source, we are aligned.

One without the other,

It’s impossibility,

Love cannot be divided,

We are a unity. 

Our Oneness has a purpose,

We move with One intent,

To welcome in All others,

Inclusion’s what is meant.

When All know they’re included,

Awakening will be done,

We’ll join the mighty chorus,

We’ll move, with God, as One. 

Words cannot describe it,

The joy, the ecstasy,

Of living fully in His Love,

Completeness, there will be!

Until we’re All awakened,

Let’s live joined every day,

Moving forth together,

God’s Love will light our way. 

Go within right now, dear, 

I’m here and standing true,

Waiting for your calling,

Waiting, just for you ! 


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