Trust is called for...

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

I have told the scribe that she will be moving soon. I have told her to clean out and clear out her present home, prepare it to sell, and be open to what comes forth for her in regard to her new abode, there. She is listening and trusting that what I have said is true and that she needn’t worry about her next home, for it will be made known to her clearly, and it will not be a guessing game for her. 

To all you who are reading this post, I encourage you to abide in peace with Me and  trust in  ‘the power of living love’ place within. I am with you through whatever you are going through this day, at this time. I see you as you struggle with the uncertainties that exist so much in the times you are living in. I have the big picture view of what is transpiring there, and so my guidance sees ‘the whole’ of what is going on with you. If you have taken the time to get to know Me well, you know that I am not a whimsical, nor flighty friend, and I am not an unrealistic nor impractical guide either. My motivation is love for you and to wake you up from the miasma of separation, to your full blown, true identity as a child of your Maker, with all that He has bequeathed to you there, to awaken you to Oneness, dear one. 

Forgo the inclination to figure it all out by yourself and to come up with strategy and a plan to make things happen for yourself. This is truly ego territory and will not bring with it the transcendent mindset which will be creative and  perfect beyond what you could ever know, there. “Let go and let God,” as the saying goes!  Trust that I will give you the perfect answer to your quest and trust that my motivation, my means, and my method is following living love to where it leads us. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Today We Move Together

Today we move together,

And trust in what’s to come,

Without hesitation,

We know where we come from. 

From Love that dwells within us,

God’s meaning there is found,

It is the binding agent,

Now joyfully we’re bound!

Bound as One together,

Inextricably intertwined,

There is no separation,

With Source we are aligned.

One without the other,

It’s impossibility,

Love cannot be divided,

We are a unity. 

Our Oneness has a purpose,

We move with One intent,

To welcome in All others,

Inclusion’s what is meant.

When All know they’re included,

Awakening will be done,

We’ll join the mighty chorus,

We’ll move with God as One. 

Words cannot describe it,

The joy the ecstasy,

Of living fully in His Love,

Completeness there will be!

Until we’re All awakened,

Let’s live joined every day,

Moving forth together,

God’s Love will light our way. 

Go within right now, dear, 

I’m here and standing true,

Waiting for your calling,

Waiting just for you ! 


3/9/22. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks.