Call to redemption...

Saturday, April 9, 2022

From The Resurrected.  (full text found in books)

Chapter 68 

Ready to be redeemed and brought back into the very truth of you as you find that you are now in connection there. For your redemption, which is another way to say, your salvation, is that which occurs as you bring to your life your innate and inherent divinity. You see, you are Whole now! You are complete, now! But you have long ago forgotten this and so you have lived a life that is far flung from this knowing. 

Now you are ready to find what has always been there but what was lost along the way. What a grand discovery this is and what a relief to know that your life is, in fact, directly connected, a part of your Source there, always. You are not alone there, ever. You are met with the love of your Father and you are joined there as you live. Now this is the truth of things, dear one. Truly, this is the truth of things. You are joined and held tightly and with the grace that will lovingly guide you through the maze you are living in. 

Now do not let these words feel as that which are only meant to comfort you, but not bring to you real and transforming and life changing experiences of whom and what you are. These words will indeed, redeem you there, for they are of the most important that you could hear. You are truly meant to be a movement of your Source and you are meant to come forth lovingly into the forward progression, the unfolding, the newness, always. This is your birthright, and this is the way you were created. Ever unfolding anew and ever being transformed into the more of you there. I can tell you, that as you do live from your connection, you will find the truth there. Let in and allow, dear one, truly let in and allow. These are words of great importance and they are words to not take lightly. I am here, let in and allow my love to be felt by you. We are One there, now and forever. Let in and allow, for indeed, we are One. 

Call to Redemption

To be redeemed is to be brought back, 

To the Original of you,

To what your Source created,

To what is pure and true. 

To be redeemed you must let go,

 Of self will and of pride,

Of ego’s furtive calling, 

Your truth, it wants to hide. 

Redemption’s call, and there is one,

 Is only known when you,

Will open to your Maker, 

Let in His perfect view. 

Let in the way He made you,

 Perfect, whole, and free, 

With living love your meaning, 

Embracing All you see. 

I’m calling you this moment, 

To be redeemed, so we,

 Can make the call to others, 

And join as family. 

You are redeemed, my dear one, 

No blemish do I see,

Only God’s perfection, 

Abiding here, with Me. 

In closing, I will tell you, 

What you certainly have known, 

I am with you always, 

Never, are you alone.


4/9/22. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.