Joy is your natural state...

Thursday, June 2, 2022

From The Resurrected

Chapter 57 

There is joy to be had this day. I can assure you that you are truly met there with others who are working with you to give you this wonderful joy of which there is abundance. For joy is meant to be your natural state. You are meant to be a movement of joyous participation as you live there. Now what is there to be joyous about? Well, first of all you are not solitary and you are always that which is connected to your Source. You are of the nature of that Source and you are abundantly gifted there. You are in- volved in a movement of significance as you do so allow for the mission you agreed upon to come forth. 

I can tell you that when I lived there, as I have stated in the early part of this book, my life was joyous and was always felt as that which was mean- ingful and significant. I joyed in the telling of others, the good news of direct relationship to our Father, and I joyed in giving them news about the freedom they could have as they lived. Now this freedom is meant for you to embrace fully and to experience fully. Your life is meant for you to embrace and joy in. 

Now you may ask, how is it that if I am meant to live a life of joy, I do not feel this? I feel at times, ill at ease with life and fearful of the future . Well, dear one, that mind set of unease can be allowed to dissipate as you realize your eternal connection and the truth of who and what you are. For your dis-ease is a symptom of separation, a part of the defense system that was put in place long ago. 

Now the way to release this is to realize that you are connected spiritually and that your fundamental nature is spiritual, that it is safe, secure, eternal and unfettered in its perfection and in its movement. You can gain the courage to live as you do so embrace this as the truth of you. Let the experience of your divinity and your Wholeness be felt and then you will move joyously through life. 

Now I call on you to turn inward and quiet your thinking mind set. Call on me to abide with you there knowingly, and to release that mind set of separation. You are indeed met with a love there that is bountiful in its blessings for you. And you are that same love meant to give and receive as has been given and received by you. We love you dear one, that is the truth of it. You are not alone. 

Forever Joined, Forever Joy

Each time you join with Me, dear, 

You’ve opened up the door,

To your Transcendent Mindset,

Now love, like rain, will pour. 

Within, we join as One, dear,  

You’ll know My Presence there,

For joy will fill your mind and heart,

Love’s radiance lights the air. 

Even though our joining, 

May be well-known by you,

Not hum-drum, our connection,

Each time feels fresh and new.  

There is insolubility,

Our bond, by love, made One, 

We’re woven inextricably, 

Separation is undone.

Aloneness is a misnomer,

For it can never be, 

Joined with God, your birthright, 

You’re always bound with Me.

Our joining is a free-willed choice,

A choice for you to make, 

Choose your true identity,

Pure joy is what’s at stake! 

You’ll feel our bond as treasure, 

You’ll hold Me close to you,

Security, without measure, 

Now joined, your life feels true.

This message of our joining, 

Said so often there,

Is given for one reason, 

I love you, deeply care.

I’m waiting here within, dear,

Find peace, then ask Me in,

Our relationship of Oneness, 

At last, it can begin! 

In closing of this poem, dear,

I tell you what is true, 

Forever joined with love, dear, 

Forever joy with you.  



6/2/22 Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about this website.