A Simple Explanation

Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Simple Explanation

Oft I hear the question,

When pain and grief are there,

Why did this have to happen,

My life’s now in despair. 

Whatever you are going through,

A tragedy in life,

Accident, illness, or great loss,

“Why, Lord, such great strife? “

A simple explanation 

Will help you to get through,

’Twill deepen your understanding,

How God’s at work in you.

The pain that you are facing,

Is made palpable to bear,

By opening to living love,

Its healing powers are there. 

I’m standing at the door, dear,

Within your mind, so real,

To open up the flood gates,

Where love pours forth to heal.

Problems that you face, dear,

All part of what’s physical,

Earth now you inhabit,

But first, you’re spiritual.

Spiritual and joined, dear,

You’re joined as One with Me, 

 Living Love’s your meaning, 

 You’re perfect, whole, and free. 

Find your peace right now, dear,

Then ask I join you, there, 

Love will heal your pain, dear,

Gone will be despair.

A simple explanation,

Yet so profoundly true,

You are One with God, dear, 

And love’s renewing you!  

01/15/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.