Meant to Live Connected

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

From Awakening to Oneness


We shall now discuss something that will be surprising to many. Did you know that the reason that people are having such a difficult time with their lives is because they haven’t discovered that life is not a solo experience? Our topic for this teaching will be how to breeze through life with the help of the Master, the One we know as Jesus. This Divine One whom the Father has assigned to be in charge of the awakening of the planet is forever available to each and every one of us. His love for mankind is unfathomable. I offer to you words from him as this writing continues. If there is one thing that Jesus would have you know it is that you are infinitely loved and infinitely valuable. He would like you to know that you can call on Him at any time, for He is available to all. He would like you to know that there is no problem that is too difficult or too messy for Him to help with. He would also like you to know that there is no problem too small for you to ask for guidance. He is available to guide you through each and every moment. 

How could Jesus be available to our Consciousness and to the Consciousness of millions and billions of others? We ask this question because our thinking tells us that it is impossible. Let us examine this question more thoroughly. In the Father’s divine plan, Consciousness, our Minds, are all connected. This connection happens simultaneously. When we truly wake up, or become enlightened, we will be able to know All That Is and we will experience connection with All That Is. The ‘glass’ that is dark now will become clear. When Jesus was here on earth he was fully awake. He experienced his connection with everything. when he transfigured into the invisible plane, He continued to be conncted to All That Is. He has not left us for a moment.

Jesus knew that you would be in need of help to undo your limited thinking. He is responding to the tremendous desire on his part to bring us all into the awareness of our Oneness as creations of the Father. His desire encompasses all of mankind and knows no religious denomination or set of believers to be any more important than any other. All are loved infinitely. We can think of our sonship and daughtership to be absolute and real and unalterable. Creation is eternal and our Being is continually being metamorphosed into something new. 

It is a forever fact of existence and is truly a wonderful place for us to hold our mind set on. Jesus would have you know that your Being is synonymous with Love. You are a Center of Peace and Love, each one. You can best express who you really are by letting in others and letting in your guidance. 

We shall see that this letting in can happen best when you are experiencing peace. How can one experience peace? I will give you a way to do this. Go to a quiet place where you can be alone. Close your eyes and let all your thoughts flow past until they are gone. Focus your attention on the area between your eyes, ask to receive your peace. As you do this, you will find that you will experience a connection with a greater experience of the Reality of whom you are...a connection with All That Is. 

What more would Jesus like to say to you? He wants you to know that there exists within each individual a living Presence direct from the Father. In addition to being able to access Jesus, you also have your own guide, personally assigned to you with the sole intent of bringing you to your awakened state, your state of fulfillment. This guide has a name, an identity and he/she will inform you of that as your intimacy and relationship develops. Jesus had a guide on this plane prior to his full awakening. 

Our guides are direct pipelines with Divine Intelligence, Love, and Peace. Be prepared for the unexpected for the minute you think you know, what and why and how things happen you get into conditioned thinking based on past experience. When you live your life from guidance and trust, life takes on a new quality. Everyday is a brand, new experience. The radicalness of this approach does not mean that you will be thrown about hither and yon, but rather that the common experiences you have will take on radically different meaning, and you will begin to see that things are happening for a reason, different from what you might have thought in the past. Guidance means living without fear, and it is possible to experience this safe and peaceful state much more. Eventually you will experience this state all the time. 

Let us examine another facet of guidance. Guidance uncovers to you aspects of your self you did not know existed. As the realization of your sonship/daughtership grows, you will begin to manifest divine powers of healing and manifestation. Each person will have different aspects of Self revealed to them and these are too vast and wonderful to enumerate. Suffice it to say you have an adventure in Self discovery ahead. Isn’t curiosity appropriate here? Yes! 

Meant to Live Connected

You hold the truth within you,

When joined with Me you’ll hear,

Transcendent Mind, your Wholeness, 

This is you, my dear. 

You see, you are not separate,

To go it all alone, 

You move as one connected,

To God, you are His own. 

We’re bound as One forever,

Yet you are truly free,

You’re not a programmed being, 

You choose for how you’ll be.

Free will, this gift you’re given,

I will not over ride,

But you must choose to listen, 

To have Me by your side. 

Freely, I am here, dear,

Freely, My love is true,

Freely, you must ask for Me, 

In peace, I’ll answer you. 

I see right where you are, dear,

What’s keeping you apart,

I see where love can clear the way, 

Can give a brand new start. 

You’re meant to live connected,

Sheds not your identity,

But brings about alignment,

With whom you’re meant to be. 

You’ll feel at last your home, dear,

Longing now will cease.

No longer all alone, dear, 

With Me you are at peace. 

Lastly, I implore you,

To come, to join with Me, 

Find joy this very moment,

’Tis where you’re meant to be. 


01/25/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.