Who Calls My Name

Monday, October 16, 2023

Who Calls My Name

When I am called, I will answer. Are you, dear reader, the one calling my name? I see you there as you deal with your current perplexity. I see the dissonance that keeps you tethered to that which does not fulfill. I see the boredom and the dissatisfaction of a life lived void of real meaning for you.

Call on Me to help you in your life and in your search for true meaning there. I am here to tell you that joy and happiness are not illusive states of being and are not meant to be experienced just a few times in your life. They are meant to be constants, dear one. As you call on Me I will guide you through the miasma of the separated way,  the way of the ego there. 

This false use of mind, this defense system instilled in you from your culture and the times you are in, is truly a fraudulent way to use your mind. That is, is has no foundational truth to it. It is a made up pretense, claiming to be a real presence, but it is not that, dear one,  it is truly not who you are. 

Join Me and come into your authentic mind connected to your Source, the truth of whom you are. You are not solo to go it alone ever. It is an impossibility, for you are created to live joined with Me, with your Universal Mind, your  Transcendence there always. You will be given next steps in your life, and the way will be made plain for you. Know that I love you dearly and that truly you are never alone. Call on Me and join in the relationship of magnificence there for you. I love you dearly. Call on Me, call My name and let Me in. 

I’m Here For You

I’m here to reassure you

As problems seem to mount,

That things will work out fine, dear,

 For all those things that count. 

I’m here to safely guide you,

Through troubled waters, there. 

Turbulence will end soon, 

And love will clear the air.

Let go of agitation, 

Anxiety, despair, 

Find peace with One who loves you,

I’m here and deeply care. 

The way will become clear, soon, 

As love is brought to bear,

Making right what’s wrong, dear,

Love’s function to repair.

Quiet ego’s thinking,

Allow for inner peace, 

Turn within and find Me, 

The grip of fear, release. 

Remember that your Creator,

Made you perfect, whole, and free, 

Claim this as your inheritance,

All else is falsity. 

Let go of jumbled feelings,

Fear’s harsh cacophony, 

Let peace and joy be felt, dear, 

Hear love’s sweet harmony. 

In closing I restate again,

The truth that you have known,

I am with you always,

You are not alone.  


10/16/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.