Called to be a Witness

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Called to be a Witness

This is a sacred calling,

Should be your prime intent, 

To tell the world of Oneness, 

How best, your time is spent. 

Witness to My Presence,

The love you find within,

The joy of our relationship,

And how fulfilled you’ve been! 

Witness to inclusion, 

No one’s left out alone, 

All are One with God, there, 

This Oneness can be known. 

Witness that God’s meaning,

Is love beyond compare,

Healing and redeeming, 

Dissolving ego’s snare. 

Tell the world that each one, 

Is perfect, whole, and free,

Held in God’s Mind, as offspring, 

One Sacred Family. 

Because you know first hand, dear,

Credibility will come through,

Others will respond, dear, 

They’ll know that you are true. 

So take this calling, seriously,

I’ll show you what to do, 

And all you there who know Me,  

This is your calling, too!

We’ll wake the world to Oneness, 

’Twill happen one by one,

‘Till mission is accomplished, 

’Tis how God’s Will is done! 

A marvelous unfolding, 

Love will show the way, 

Each step is one step closer,

‘Til Oneness rules the day! 

11/08/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged. Thank you for telling other of this website and witnessing to your relationship with Jesus.