Even in the Little Things

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Even in the Little Things

My involvement is not limited to the big issues in life.  I am there in what could be called the mundane, the day to day activities that fill up most of your time. You may say, ‘well, I don’t need help in choosing my socks, or what to eat or drink or what next to do in my life. I can handle these things without spiritual guidance.’ 

Well, dear one, I would put to you, why are you giving up the truth of how to use your mind,  that is, joined with Me, with your Transcendent Mind, for the falsity of separation, of ego, there? We are establishing the habit of living out from your right mind, and so the choice at the beginning of each day, to Iive out joined with Me is what is called for.

 The benefits are myriad and will show up even in little, every day, decisions. At the end of the day you will say, ‘…wow, things went so well! I felt such peace this day.This happened because of that and that unfolded because of doing things God’s way.’  You will be amazed at the difference and at the peace you feel in living out from your truth, from our relationship. It makes a difference, dear one,  it makes a huge difference, there. 

Most of all, you will feel the joy of our companionship. To do things together is such a powerful antidote to loneliness, depression, overwhelm, and anxiety, dear one. Doing things together allows for the nurturance of your soul and experiencing the wonderfulness of life as your Source would have it be for you. Join with Me, even in the little things! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Every Day Brand New

Everything that happens,

Truly is God’s will, 

Mysteriously unfolding,

His purpose to fulfill.

Trust is what is called for, 

When you don’t understand, 

Stay open for My guidance, 

To see what God has planned. 

Far beyond your knowing, 

Transcendent Mind sees All, 

Step by step I’ll guide you, 

We’ll answer to Love’s call. 

Your life impacts all others,

Not solo do you go, 

Joined as One forever,

As One Great Love we flow. 

So when you question ‘why,’ there, 

When you don’t know what to do,

Turn it o’er to Me, dear, 

I’ll guide you to what’s true. 

You’ll gain an understanding,

You’ll feel a great relief, 

For following My guidance,

For trusting your belief. 

Mysterious and wonderful,

Life opens up for you, 

Living love, God’s meaning, 

Every day, brand new!


 12/06/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.