How to alleviate the ego mindset...

Monday, April 24, 2023

From Turn Within To Love

Chapter 74. How to alleviate the ego mindset…

As this chapter begins we will focus on how you can alleviate the mind-numbing and tedious incantations of your ego mindset, your separated self. You are truly met with the resources necessary to release this choice for ignorance. 

You see, you are met with an ally, a partner of far superior intelligence and knowhow. You are met with inner guidance that outranks your separated sense of self and ushers forth as the truth of you. Now you can say, “ Isn’t the ego a part of me, too? Isn’t this that which should be looked at as a part but not a good part, nor a noble part, but still a part? 

Here is the good news for you. The ego mindset is truly an imposter there and has no footing in reality. It is a system of defenses you have worked out over eons that has held you hostage to its subtle ploys and degradations there. It has held you hostage to its unyielding attempts to bring you down, foster hatred, greed, selfserving and ultimately, to bring you to the point of death, there. 

Now we can tell you that you have the power to ignore this tyrannical mindset that whispers its ploys and attempts to undermine your resolve and your attempts to listen to your true self, your spiritual self, whom and what you truly are. 

We here, who are working with you, know of your ego and we can tell you that it is truly as you disregard it, chose to ignore it and dismiss it as an imposter and a lie, that the system will eventually limp along into oblivion. Not that it ever was a real presence, but it will yelp and cry out for regard and it will throw up to you, issues in hopes you will bite and react to them. Then it has you there, then it has you, and the hatred and spiral of destruction continues on. 

How wonderful to release this and to let in the light of living love, the joy of creation there and the love that you are truly made of. How wonderful for you to let in our guidance which has nothing but your opening to receive the Wholeness of you as its goal. You see, you could never be separate there, you can never be left twirling in the dust and without a means to move forward. Now is the time to turn to your inner guidance and move forward. Now is the time to open to receive your Wholeness. We are here and we are not without your best interest at heart. Let in and allow, for indeed, we are One. I love you and that is the truth of it 

Answer to the Ego

The ego plays its cards there,

It seeks to upset you,

Wants not your equilibrium,

Your peace it will eschew.

Your anger and your upset,

Seemingly justified,

Will not solve the problem,

Feeds ego’s hungry pride.

The answer to your upset,

Is first, to turn to Me,

Come into alignment, 

Find your tranquility. 

Our joining brings Transcendent Mind,

Now ego’s mind not used, 

Your life is seen now through My eyes, 

With living love infused. 

The door to truth now open, 

Living love pours through, 

It heals, redeems, transforms, there, 

Its light makes all things new.

You see the bigger picture now, 

Your problems fade from view, 

You know that it’s our joining,

That brings such peace to you. 

The joy of our relationship,

Fills up your soul, your mind,

You trust our love will lead us,

To what God wills we find. 

Let’s be together always, 

Forsake the ego’s spin,

It’s gone with all its madness,

When you’re, with Me, within.  

In closing let Me tell you, 

I love you, you’re My own,

I will never leave you, 

You are not alone. 


04/24/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about the website.