On Gifting...

Thursday, April 20, 2023

From  Turn Within To Love

Chapter 72.   On gifting…

We are working with you to bring into your life fulfillment on all levels. We are working with you to open to you the infinitude, the Wholeness, of whom you are. How wonderful for you to know that we are working to gift you there and to show you how delightful living from your Wholeness can be. 

Now you will find that as you connect you will find increasing and multitudinous gifts that will be felt as showering you, and will be felt as never-ending. We want you to feel into the greatness of your Wholeness and we want you to understand the magnificence of your Father/ Mother God, your Source. 

In small ways and in large ways we want to gift you and so we are working tirelessly to open you to accepting these gifts and understanding them as gifts there. 

We can tell you that what you will experience is truly substantial in its power to transform you and to awaken you from the miasma of the separated way. The gifts we have to give are not superficial, nor are they of little consequence there. Truly, they are gifts that could be called life-changing for you. 

How wonderful to feel into this showering of gifts and this abundance there, so clearly felt in body, mind and spirit. Now as you learn of our intention, and as you learn of the nature of Source, you will want for no other way, and as you do so receive, you will so give. 

For the gifts will generate such gratitude you will want to share with your greater Wholeness, your brothers and sisters there. You are not alone there ever, dear one, truly you are not alone there ever. Let in and allow. for indeed, we are One. 

This message is given to you with the intent of bringing you into a place where you will quiet your thinking mindset and listen for our signal, our sign, and listen for the words coming forth. 

For indeed it is as you access this inner guidance that the truth of you will be felt. You see, you are always connected, and you are not without this relationship of magnificence there for you.This is of such vital importance, for it is the necessary step to take to access what is there so lovingly available for you. You are never alone there, dear one, truly you are never alone. Let in and allow, for indeed, we are One. Let this chapter on gifting be for you a gift in itself for it brings renewed confirmation of what I have in store for you. I love you and that is the truth of it. 

Expect God’s Blessings

Look forward to the blessings,

The good that comes your way,

Expect a joyous outcome,

Fulfillment every day!

God brings to you His answers,

To questions, problems there,

A clear path moving forward,

Love’s promise fills the air.

A mindset joined with Me, dear, 

Brings Transcendence point of view,

Points you to your mission,

God’s meaning coming through. 

Here’s where you’ll find your treasure,

Value beyond compare,

Gifting without measure, 

To have, to give, to share.

How right you feel each moment, 

No sense of lack nor doubt,

Companioned by My Presence,

Fulfilled within, without. 

Dynamic peace is felt there,

Seems a paradox,

That peace could feel so vital,

It quietly unlocks,

The box of separation,

That’s filled with stagnant air,

Now love’s penetration,

Brings renewal there. 

Renewed, redeemed ,and healed, dear,

With joy we live each day,

Expecting God’s great blessings, 

Together, all the way!


04/20/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.