Doors must be open to receive...

Sunday, May 21, 2023

From Turn Within To Love

Chapterr 87  Doors must be open to recieve…

Flow forth with the love of God guiding you always. Flow forth with the love and the willingness to follow what is given to you. We can tell you that your willingness to follow is all important there and will usher in what can only be called transformational and healing guidance for you and for those who you are involved with. 

There can never be healing without a request for it, for on some level, for the doors must be opened to receive. The history of your mindset is one of closing off what seems to you to be that which is not coming from your culture, your science or your traditional way. All other avenues are looked at as fakery and as that which is empty of real help. 

But we are here to tell you that the way of turning inward and asking for help is all important there. What help will be given? The flow of healing energy, of living love which has as its very nature setting all things right, and bringing forth the perfect unfolding there. And so the need to allow for this great resource is there, dear one, truly the need to allow for this great resource is there. 

As you invite in, you will find unfolding that which you had no claim over as coming from your own thinking mindset, but it appears as from out of the blue or as a chance or circumstantial happening that was just coincidental, and yet as you examine further, you know that this answer to need is absolutely the perfect answer there. 

Now we can tell you that what is coming forth is not only remarkable in its unfolding perfectly, but remarkable in its timing, and in its breadth of benefit there. Many will benefit from the unfolding there, many will benefit from the unfolding and so, dear one, it is time to quiet your conditioned thinking and turn there to Source. Open to receive what is so marvelously there for you. Truly, you are not alone there ever, dear one, you are not alone there, ever. Let in and allow, for indeed, we are One. 

Truth Will Be Revealed

You’ll know without a doubt, dear, 

Truth will be revealed,

No need to make things happen, 

No heavy hand to wield. 

Yes, intention is important, 

And seeking earnestly,

The answer’s not a ‘maybe,’

’Twill be a certainty. 

You cannot make things happen,

Nor force things to occur, 

God’s timing is His own, dear, 

Just patiently endure. 

I’ll let you know for certain,

No guessing game ‘twill be,

You’ll know for sure the answers,

You’ll find sweet harmony!

Self-will is not God’s will there, 

He sees the entire view,

Many are impacted,

Blessing more than you!

Five things are truly needed, 

For manifestation to occur,

These things hold in your Mind, dear,

Blessed, you’ll be, for sure.

There’s intention and there’s trust, dear,

Living love, My guidance, too,

God’s purpose must be present,  

Manifesting all that’s new. 

So find your peace, your patience,

Yet fall not into complacency,

Stay tuned and in touch with Guidance, 

Hold your mind with expectancy.

Truth will be revealed, dear, 

Have no doubt, nor fear,

I’m with you now and always, 

Find joy, in love, so dear!


05/21/23 Inspired by Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.