Ask Me For Help

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Ask Me For Help

You may be faced with situations that seem difficult to know what to do. Perhaps you have a family member or a friend who has a mental illness or a degree of need that you cannot manage. Perhaps you are faced with overwhelming change in your life and are called on to do things you do not feel capable of doing. Ask Me for help, dear one. Ask Me for guidance in next steps to take. I am here for you and will lead you simply forward, aware of what you are capable of and how what you do affects all others there. 

Confusion will lift and often in easy and understandable ways your forward movement will unfold most perfectly for you. The complexity of a problem does not require a complex solution. In fact, the opposite is often true, and simple direct next steps are what are needed. My guidance looks at the whole picture there, and what will indeed, benefit all involved. You are never solo in your life and what you do affects others. Take the tIme to be with Me, dear one.  Take the time to find your peace and ask Me in. I will hear you and I will help you with the wisdom of the Transcendent and the power of living love leading the way. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone.    

To Help Another

To help another is a wonderful thing,

A God-filled, worthy goal,

Love flowing through the giver,

Will revitalize the soul. 

Realization, like a dawning,

Comes strikingly clear and true,

Each one you help is One with God,

Each One, a part of you. 

To love and help another,

Best done, when joined with Me, 

I’ll guide you in the giving,

’Twill bless more than you can see.

Another realization,

Comes to you, so clear, 

You are God’s point of light right there,

The reason why you’re here! 

So in helping, you fulfill your purpose,

Simply turn to Me, 

Together we will give your gift,

Fulfilled, in joy, you’ll be! 

Yes, it may require effort, 

An expenditure of funds and time, 

But you will reap the harvest, 

Love’s fulness, so sublime. 

Stay open to My input,

For how to help and who, 

I’ll guide you most specifically,

To bring God’s love on through. 

In closing let Me tell you, 

What you so well have known,

I love you and I’m with you,

You are not alone. 


08/22/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.