I Am Here For You Always

Sunday, August 20, 2023

I Am Here For You Always

In the last poem, I said that our relationship is an example of how to relate to another. Not to judge or criticize, but to be the place of love for each other. The ongoing presence of a wife, husband, lover, companion or friend is a powerful antidote to the loneliness that is so prevalent in the culture of today.  To be with another who knows you and really cares about you is so vital to one’s well being. It is in joining with another that love will pour forth and be amplified in its blessings. Love is not an abstraction, nor is it just a well-worn word with no meaning. It is in our caring for another, that love can blossom forth. Ideally, that love is reciprocated. Love is God’s meaning for His Own.  

If you have been involved in relationships that have not lasted and have proved to be painful, dear one, I am here for you, always. As you ask, so shall you receive. I cannot impose Myself on you, nor engage in some provocative  way to entice you to join Me. That is not the way of your spiritual reality. It is in your desire to know Me that I can be known. What you will find is a forever friend, a counselor, one who bridges the gap between the physical world and your Transcendent reality, the truth of whom you are. I am The Voice for Truth within, your forever companion of love, there. Quiet your thinking mindset, find your peace and ask for Me. I am there always, dear one, and never are you alone.  

Relationship Is The Answer

Do you find yourself alone, 

Without a friend in sight,

Seeing all the time ahead,

Alone, both day and night.

Do you hunger for a partner,

Who wants to be with you, 

Who finds joy in being together,

Who you want to be with, too. 

I tell you with all honesty,

As you join with Me,

The one who’s meant for you, dear,

 Will come forth naturally. 

“Twill be a certain knowing, 

Felt within your heart,

You want to be beside this one, 

Never again to part. 

Joining with Me makes a difference,

I bring Transcendent Mind,

Where living love will leadeth,

Your partner, love will find. 

Is this what you really want there?

Perhaps loneliness is a sign, 

Of wandering in the darkness,

Separation makes you blind. 

Join with Me within, dear, 

Find your peace and say,

Lord, why am I empty?

Help me to find the way.

Relationship is the answer, 

Just join in Mind to Me, 

No longer lost nor alone, dear,

At home, at last, you’ll be. 


08/20/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about this website.