Jump Not to Judgement

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Jump Not to Judgement

The ego is so quick to jump in and cast disparaging remarks. It is so quick to judge others behavior as not appropriate, nor thoughtful, but oh so neglectful. Oh how the judgements fly out of the separated mindset there, ready to condemn and dismiss others, as easily as chasing away or killing flies. 

 It is amazing to us here on this side, to see how readily loving thoughts are overridden by judgement there. Let us take a moment to quiet our thinking mindsets and reappraise what those judgements were about. Join with Me and let us examine more closely, the dire prognosis you have given to others, there. 

Do you know the full picture of what’s going on with that one? Do you know what other influences that one is under? His or her feeling/mental/anxiety state? Do you know what the Father’s Will is for that one? Truly, it is in letting go of judgment and staying open to what will come forth that true love is expressed. 

It is letting your mind be still and not jump into the cesspool of castigation, there. This is not truly who you are! This is not truly who you are!  Being the light of love is your mission there dear one, on the earth plane at this time. Let go the harshness, dear one, and let in the truth, the love, the forgiveness that is you. 

Remember that I judge you not, when you have erred or let ego dominate. I judge you not.  My love stops not, and you are still held as beloved and dear to Me. Let our relationship be an example of how to be with your others, there, and  let your love shine through. Let the healing waters of love flow forth there! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Don’t Jump

Don’t jump to your conclusions,

For faulty they may be,

You may not know the whole of it,

Nor can you plainly see. 

There’s more than meets the eye, there, 

Things you do not know,

The pictures always greater,

Than just the surface show.

Each one who is involved, dear,

Has a history,

Involved in life’s unfolding,

Involved, dear one, with Me. 

Father Mother God, our Source, 

Moves mysteriously,

Living love, God’s meaning,

Brings great harmony. 

Stay open to what happens,

Expect surprise, delight,

Love, the Great Transformer,

Heals, makes clear your sight. 

Hold all whom you’re involved with,

As One with who you are,

God moves as One Whole Family,

Each One, His shining star.

I give you this conclusion,

You’ll know with certainty,

I am with you aways,

Alone you’ll never be.

Love, it is the answer,

Allow it to come through,

Healing and redeeming, 

Making you brand new! 


08/24/23. Inspired by Jesus. Sharing is strongly encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.