Pausing to Reflect

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pausing to Reflect

I see my answered prayer, Lord, 

Watch the miracle unfold,

What had seemed impossible, 

A new mindset I behold!

A mindset held in hostage, 

Where fear and falsehood reigned,

These obstacles now gone, Lord, 

This mind released, unchained! 

The rift that was a chasm,

Seemed nothing could repair, 

Separation’s gone now,

Gone, the deep despair.

So now I take some time, here, 

To thank you for this gift, 

For love that healed my dear one, 

Abolished ego’s rift. 

I pause to bow my head, Lord, 

In deep humility,

My gratitude unceasing, 

For being there with me. 

What you’ve given me, Lord,

Is relationship so rare, 

Yet given for all to have, Lord, 

Right within, you’re there!

We join as One together,

Transcendent Mind aligned,  

The meaning of our Father, 

’Tis living love we find. 

I reflect on all the miracles,

By chance, could never be, 

My life joined with my Allness, 

‘Tis lived miraculously! 

A pause to reflect now taken,

I live with a grateful heart, 

Use me for God’s will, Lord, 

My Lord, how great Thou art! 

08/27/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.