Waking Up With Your Always Companion

Monday, August 28, 2023

Waking Up With Your Always Companion 

How wonderful to wake up fully rested after a good hight’s sleep. The day ahead is welcomed, knowing there will be energy a plenty to see you through. Gratitude is given to God  for the start of a new day and all that it will hold. Yesterday’s cares and worries are gone and no anxiety nor trepidation is felt as life’s unfolding, life’s flow goes forth.

 No need to rush about or stress or strain in anything, for there is time a plenty. You are  joined in Mind with Me there, and with the Transcendent mindset of living love leading the way. How wonderful to have your spiritual  companion always with you each moment of the day! Your mind, held in peace, is open for what will come forth.

The circumstances in your life may be quite different from this idyllic beginning of the day,  and yet, having Me as your companion, no matter what your situation, is always possible. Wake up with Me, dear one, wake up with Me. Together, we will live the life your Source would have you live. Do not wait for a crisis to call on Me, nor when feeling emotionally needy, there. Yes, I am there at those times,  but I am with you always! You are my beloved one and we are intrinsically intertwined as One.  I am there to help you, guide you, and love you always. Believe that, dear one, believe this and call on Me as your always companion. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Always You Are There 

Each day, unlike the others,

Has events that occur, so new,

They have a common element,

I share them Lord, with you. 

Whatever is unfolding,

What e’er the mystery, 

Always, You are there, Lord,

To bring the truth to me.

What appears as complicated,

What seems a snarled mess, 

Easily, You simplify,

Gone now, are guilt and stress. 

I’ve had enough experience, Lord,

To turn right away to You,

I waste not even a moment,

Alone to think it through. 

My Counselor, and my Guide, Lord,

My Teacher, Healer, too, 

You are All to Me, Lord,

And all my love’s for You. 

In peace, I seek Your Presence,

You answer me in mind,

“I’m here, right now, forever,

As One we’re intertwined.”

You open up the flood gates, 

Living love pours through. 

God’s meaning now pervades the All,

Transforming, making new. 

The power of Co-creation,

’Tis how we’re meant to live,

Each one the point of entry, 

For God, His love to give.

Transcendency, our birthright, 

Not meant for just a few,

Our Minds are All connected,

And love’s what comes on through. 

Welcome each new day, dear,

Togetherness, we share,

Joy fills the heart and mind, dear,

And love is everywhere!


08/28/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.