When Change Happens Abruptly

Friday, August 18, 2023

When Change Happens Abruptly

How are we to respond when change happens abruptly, such as what is occurring for many in the wake of fire devastation in Hawaii? How can we continue to believe in a God of love and blessing when such destruction occurs? The loss of loved ones , homes, and other material goods, have left many bereft. Let Me tell you, we here, on the spiritual side, are with those who are so hurting there. 

You see, the laws of nature, of the three dimensional world are held in place as Universal Mind put them in place. They are the principles of matter and are fundamental to the three dimensional world. They allow for natural processes to be predictable and understandable. This means that the forces of nature will, at time, cause death and destruction there. There are times when this destruction is a result of human interference and error there.  But the unfolding of life continues on in the wake of things such as floods and fire and other natural disasters.

Remember that life never ends. Yes, the fleshy life ends, but the spiritual life lives on always. Yes, there will be deep sorrow for many, but their loved ones live on here with us on the spiritual side, adjusting to what has happened to them and finding peace and care here as they come to grips with their new spiritual reality. 

Each will do this in his or her own way, there. For those who have lost their loved ones, I am there to comfort them within. I am there to give them the way forward as they are faced with the losses of all that they had. For them, it is a new beginning, and many of us here, will assist them in this. They are not alone and the world community will assist them there with material needs, love and remembrance there. I love each one of them just as I love and abide with each one of you. You are never alone, dear one, truly, you are never alone. 

Life Goes On Forever

Life goes on forever,

Never will it cease,

I tell you with all certainty,

Set your mind at peace. 

Say not, ‘I have but one chance,

So I must maximize,

Must cram it all in one life time,

Before my life’s demise.’ 

Life here is but an episode,

A page that soon will turn.

In your eternal story,

Each page, a time to learn.

To learn you’re never solo,

Not meant to go alone, 

You issue forth from Source, there,

Your life, to Him, well known.

Your story, like a journey,

It goes on without end,

A journey without distance, 

Find peace, join Me, transcend.

Transcendent Mind is yours, dear, 

For as you turn to Me, 

Your story and your journey,

A blessing they will be.

Let God’s love flow on through you,

His point of light you are,

Wherever that you find yourself, 

You are His radiant star. 

You are an eternal being,

An offspring of your Source, 

Divinity is yours, dear, 

God’s peaceful, loving, force. 

Don’t fret about the end, dear,

It’s just a transition time,

I’ll be with you, and soon we’ll reach,

Our heavenly home sublime.

This poem’s meant for reassurance,

To bolster you this day,

I love you and I’m with you,

Bound as One, God’s way. 


08/18/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, but please acknowledge the website. Thanks. Comments and or questions, to listeningscribe@pacifier.com 

* If you have found a direct relationship with the spiritual reality of the resurrected Jesus, or your spiritual guide, don’t hesitate—please tell others so they’ll have the courage and the curiosity to turn within to Me. Your witness makes a huge difference as this is the way we change the mindsets of those still not aware of who and what they are—offspring of our Source — direct inheritors of God’s powerful living love transforming energy and the meaning of our Creator/Sustainer, Universal MInd — that we are One with All That Is!