When Feeling Disappointed

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

When Feeling Disappointed

When quieting your mindset,

And asking Me to speak,

Listen with intention, 

Alignment’s what you seek.

Alignment ’s like a station, 

When radio tuned is clear, 

Static and confusion, 

No longer interfere.

I speak to what is needed,

For each person, him or her,  

When feeling disappointed,

At what did not occur.

You thought that you’d been guided, 

That I knew the outcome there,

There’s no forgone conclusion, 

Change happens everywhere. 

I gave you My best guidance, 

Though it was not fulfilled. 

Let go of disappointment,

 What happened’s what God willed.

Don’t give up on guidance, 

Don’t give up on Me, 

It’s not in hoped for outcomes, 

That prove My love’s worthy. 

It’s in our real relationship,

We joy in every way,

The joining with your truth, dear, 

Proven true each day!  

So slough off disappointment, 

Keep joy within your heart, 

Each day a new beginning, 

Eash day a brand new start.

The Solidarity of Oneness, 

By far the greatest thing, 

Yours forever, dear one, 

My love is what I bring!

08/29/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.