When Rejected by Another

Saturday, August 26, 2023

When Rejected By Another

It may hurt. You may have given a good part of your time and attention to this one.  You may have loved him or her a lot, and now are faced with a life without this loved one. Sometimes the reasons for that one leaving you are not clear. You may never get a clear answer to your questions of Why? Why? 

Your sense of loss may be overwhelming, and you may feel you may never recover from the pain. Anger may set it and you may vow to never see that one again. Hatred over being spurned can have powerful and negative effects on you, dear one. Let Me talk with you about how I can help you, there. 

First, let Me say that you are never alone. I am with you always. Even in the depths of your despair, I am there for you. I see your anger and your hurting heart. I see how you  put yourself down as ‘less than,’  ‘disposable,’ and of ‘no real value’ there. This is not true, dear one, this is not true. You are priceless in the eyes of your Creator and you are beloved by Me always.

 I will not, nor would not, ever leave you, dear one. I am intertwined deeply with you within, who you really are. Turn to Me and let the healing power of living love, lift you up, and give you the profound renewal that will make all things right for you. Joy will return and you will even have it in your heart to forgive that one. These are not idle words that mean nothing. Living love is the power house of regeneration and transformation. You have a firm foundation of love with Me, dear one, and trust that you are never alone!

Living Love’s So Powerful

Living love’s so powerful,

Not idling passively, 

God’s meaning is transformative, 

Renewing constantly. 

It knows what’s really needed, 

Has the Transcendent view, 

Know’s what provides fulfillment,  

Much better, dear, than you.

The calls to open to it, 

 By turning first to Me, 

Then joined with the Transcendent, 

Love pours forth furtively. 

Perhaps you have a sickness, 

Finances there are poor,

Your partner has betrayed you,

Great pain you now endure. 

These things can all be righted,

God wants His Grace for you, 

Living love His meaning, 

This love makes all things new!

Not an idle promise, 

The timing’s in God’s hand,

I’m with you there each moment,

To help you understand.

Intend for healing, help, dear,  

For love to set you free,

You realize most fully,

You’re perfect, whole, and free. 

In closing, I see you’re thankful, 

For healing, that’s right there, 

Delighted in this outcome,

Such joy, in this, we share! 


08/25/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.