When You Love Another

Saturday, August 19, 2023

When You Love Another

The love we share together, 

An example, let it be, 

In how you deal with others, 

Love unconditionally.

Don’t put up filters, fences,

Accepting only a few, 

Remember all are family, 

Inclusiveness, our view. 

The ego looks for differences, 

Says that one’s in or out, 

Based on some false checklist, 

That’s not what love’s about! 

Uniqueness is a treasure, 

Something to embrace, 

The richness of humanity, 

Each one filled with God’s grace.

Like-mindedness is nice there, 

But open-mindedness is due,

When you approach another,

Let’s hear his point of view. 

Listening is loving, 

It validates each one,

No need to make corrections,

Stay listening ’til he's  done.  

The love that freely pours forth, 

When you join with Me, 

God’s meaning there, transcendent,

Heal’s all disparity. 

When you love another, 

Remember what we’ve known,

Joy beyond all measure, 

As One, such love is shown. 

We’ll give the gift together,

Stay tuned for what’s in store, 

Expect the unexpected, 

To come, there’s so much more!

08/19/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.