Do Not Fear

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Do Not Fear

Do you find yourself worried about things? Is there a slight uneasy feeling about what could or might happen? Accidents, sickness or mental decline, problems with your finances, your home or your relationships, the world and politics at large? Any number of things can leave you feeling uneasy, there.  The physical world and the culture you Iive in, certainly have the potential for causing fear and worry.

There is a way to release this nagging fear and anxiety, dear one. I am the way, the truth, and the light, as the Bible verse saysWhat does this mean and how can a spiritual figure who lived over two thousand years ago be the antidote to fear of today?  Seems a far-fetched idea for sure. 

You see, dear one, the spiritual reality of Me exists today, even this moment, and truly is intertwined with you as a spiritual being eternally. You see, you are never separate to go it alone there, ever. How can this release your fear? This means you are held in the arms of love always, You are secure in the foundational truth of who you are, and nothing can separate you from this love, this peace, and the sanity of knowing who you are and from whence you came. You are a direct inheritor from your Source and in this you are an eternal being, dear one . This earthly life is a brief chapter in the ongoing eternality of your being, and you are not without resources to bring real peace to you right here, right now. You are One with your Source always.

As you turn within and quiet your thinking mindset, ask that I join you there. Together, we will feel into the solidarity of Oneness and the foundational truth of who you are. Here peace reigns and real joy is felt. Fear will be released, for fear is a product of separation, and you no longer will feel yourself as separate, dear one. Joined in joy  always! I am the way, the truth, and the light! Turn within to Me now, and let us find real peace and joy, dear one. Never alone, truly never alone!

Deep Peace

Deep peace, it holds infinity,

Endless, timeless, there, 

Not empty, as it bringeth forth, 

Transcendent Mind to share.

This means it’s filled with living love

God’s energy of life, 

Renewing and redeeming, 

Erasing fear and strife. 

Deep peace, God’s gift, inherent, 

Just turn within to find, 

Let go ego’s cacophony, 

Behold! Your Peaceful Mind!

A place, a space, a state, there, 

A sanctuary home, 

Here, we join as One, dear, 

You need no longer roam. 

The Welcome Sign held high, dear,  

Deep peace awaits you there, 

Joy fills up your Mind, dear, 

As living love we share. 

Right now, this very moment, 

When you have called to Me, 

My constant loving Presence,

Will join you eagerly. 

Eager to bestow to you, 

The Truth! You’re so much more!  

A kindred spirit, One with Source, 

What joy we have in store! 

Let peace fill up your mind, dear,

The requisite atmosphere, 

For joining and all its marvels. 

So you will plainly hear, 

That you are deeply loved, dear, 

In peace, this fully known, 

I am with you always, 

You are not alone! 


02/28/24. Given from Jesus, Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.