Does It Really Matter?

Friday, February 2, 2024

Does It Really Matter?

Yes, dear readers, it matters immensely. Whether you listen to the Voice for Truth, or the separated mindset makes the difference between right-mindedness and wrong-mindedness. One is true and one is false! 

Living out from our joined perspective, means you are aligned with the Transcendent Reality of who you are, and you bring your life into the co-created unfolding of your Source, as Universal Mind  would have you live. Living love, in all its energetic glory, infuses your life with God’s meaning for you. Even in simple ways it makes a difference because these simple steps guided by love, are precursors— necessary precursors— for much larger steps that impact humanity on a broad and immense scale, there. 

Remembering that you are One with your Source means you understand that you are not solo to go it alone, and that what unfolds in your life impacts the Whole. So it is an act of Divine Intelligence to use your will to follow His will, dear one. How good it feels to know that how you live your life is the way your Father/Mother God intended you to live it! How good it feels to have the right-on feeling and that congruence with who you really are. No questioning, but with the certainty of conviction, and the knowing mindset, you joyfully live your life!  It really matters, dear one, and it makes a huge difference! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone!

It Matters 

Your life unfolds in many ways,

Touches more than just a few, 

How you live, it matters

When love you bring on through.  

It matters how you carry Mind,

Alone or joined with Me,

Alone, the ego reigneth,

Joined, love’s royalty. 

It’s not a passing whimsey,

To fill some empty time,

Joining with Transcendence,

Takes precedence—it’s prime.  

It matters that I love you,

It matters that I care,

It matters for all others, 

Within, so much to share.  

It matters to the Allness, 

For many are lost, alone, 

Your Witness of Completion, 

May bring some others home. 

So on this day, remember,

To take Me seriously,

Like food and air and water,

I’m your necessity. 

In closing, let Me tell you. 

You matter, dear, to Me, 

Bound as One together, 

We’re joined eternally. 


 02/02/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this site.