Find Newness In The Mundane

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Find Newness In The Mundane

Are you experiencing winter doldrums? Does the same old routine of life get you down? I will tell you truthfully, there is newness and refreshment in each moment as living love is brought to bear on your life. 

Quiet your thinking mindset, let all the snippets of thought and emotion go, and allow for peace to be had. Then ask Me to open the flood gates of living love there for you. Feel into the energetic newness of this love as it floods your mind, body, and soul, there. Now in everything you do, ask that the light of this love lead the way, and engulf you in its healing and redemptive light.

 Now you feel brand new and life is experienced in all its freshness!  How wonderful to know that this living love is the very spiritual substance of which we are made. Here, God’s meaning flows forth in all its fulness.  Now dear one, I am with you there, always. To know that in your life you are not going it alone is also such a comfort and release the burden of having to come up with what next and having to flounder in the searching, ego mindset which only offers discord to you, there. 

Join with Me and let us find newness, freshness, this day, and as we are bathed in the power of living love, let it shine forth for all to see and joy in. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone.   

Every Day Brand New

Everything that happens,

Truly is God’s will, 

Mysteriously unfolding,

His purpose to fulfill.

Trust is what is called for, 

When you don’t understand, 

Stay open for My guidance, 

To see what God has planned. 

Far beyond your knowing, 

Transcendent Mind sees All, 

Step by step I’ll guide you, 

We’ll answer to Love’s call. 

Your life impacts all others,

Not solo do you go, 

Joined as One forever,

As One Great Love we flow. 

So when you question ‘why,’ there, 

When you don’t know what to do,

Turn it o’er to Me, dear, 

I’ll guide you to what’s true. 

You’ll gain an understanding,

You’ll feel a great relief, 

For following My guidance,

For trusting your belief. 

Mysterious and wonderful,

Life opens up for you, 

Living love, God’s meaning, 

Every day, brand new!


02/06/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.