The Weather System Of The Heart

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Weather System Of  The Heart 

The clouds have dissipated,

The sun is shining bright. 

Your Being feels uplifted,

Takes joy in morning light. 

It’s been so many days there, 

The clouds have held domain,

Finally they’ve moved on through, 

Gone, the cold and rain. 

The outside weather system, 

Oft repeated in the heart, 

Yet as we turn within to Source,

The dark clouds, they depart. 

The weather system of the heart,

 Need not be  a transient thing, 

For as you choose to join with Me, 

Dear, it’s always Spring! 

So choose to bring My sunlight in, 

Let joy and peace shine through,  

And live embraced by love, dear, 

This love makes all things new!

The weather system of the heart, 

Can be a constant, there, 

Dependent only on your choice,

To bring God’s love to bear. 

I’m not saying the dark won’t come,

Life’s not a Pollyanna ride,

But joined with Me, with love, dear,

The darkness will subside. 

Today, a day of sunshine, 

Choose Me, I’ll do My part,

To light your life with love, dear,

The weather system of the heart!  

03/07/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.