A Quiet Revolution

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Quiet Revolution

A quiet revolution,

Is unfolding there this day, 

Rapid change is happening,

Enlightenment’s on its way!

People now are waking up, 

To their greater reality,

Love’s energy of renewal, 

Brings truth for All to see.

The separated mindset, 

This made-up mind will lose, 

As people learn just who they are, 

Transcendent Mind they’ll choose. 

And as God’s meaning comes forth,

Living love will lead.

The quiet revolution,  

To awaken All, indeed!

Now love will bring redemption there, 

What was lost now found,

The truth, God moves as Wholeness, 

As One, with Him, we’re bound! 

Our planet then will ready be,

To join the Hierarchy, 

To understand that we are One

Joined Universally. 

The revolution has begun, 

You have a part to play, 

Stay joined in Mind with Me, dear, 

I'll guide you there, Love’s way! 

In closing I affirm to you, 

What you by now have known,

 I am with you always,

You are not alone 

05/04/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.