Not Even For A Mpment

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Not Even For A Moment

Not even for a moment,

Are you all alone,

Intimately, i’m with you,

My love for you is shown,

By daily intervention,

As you have called on Me,

Perfect outcomes happen,

Unfold marvelously!

You feel our deep connection,

Bonded solidly,

Love is the bonding agent,

One love eternally.

Christ consciousness is yours, dear,

As you join with Me

Love’s the light that leads us,

God’s will, our destiny.

Don’t let what seem like problems,

Cause you great dismay,

Lovingly your needs well met,

I’m with you all the way.

This poem’s to bring you solace,

Brings peace, security,

Not even for a moment alone,

Entwined as One are we!

05/16/24 Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.