Time to say goodbye

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Time to say goodbye

How can I write these poems ,Lord,
My eyesight’s gone from me.
Randi, let’s take a break from writing,
Until again you see.

This website comes from Jesus
All written here is true,
I witness to his Presence
He’s right within for...

Not Even For A Mpment

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Not Even For A Moment

Not even for a moment,
Are you all alone,
Intimately, i’m with you,
My love for you is shown,

By daily intervention,
As you have called on Me,
Perfect outcomes happen,
Unfold marvelously!

You feel our deep connection,

Recognize Profoumdly

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Recognize Profoundly

Recognize profoundly,
That you are not alone,
Not just a nice idea, 
My co-joined union shown, 

By countless ways unfolding,
My guidance making clear,
That I am right there with you,
With love we live, my dear.


Mother's Day 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day 2024

Today, we honor Mothers,
The birthing pains they bore,
So we could come into the world,
They opened up life’s door. 

They brought us up the best they could,
Sometimes, ‘twas not ideal,
Yet bonds of love were woven,
Were deeply...

Letting Universal Mind Lead

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Letting Universal Mind Lead

You are not solo to go it alone ever. The thinking mindset that is held as the captain of your ship, the chief operating officer of your life, is truly not anything but what you have made up, dear one. It is a fabrication made up of what you have been taught...

Unblock The Flow

Friday, May 10, 2024

Unblock The Flow

Problems will arise, dear, 
Upsetting peaceful mind, 
Answers will be given, 
Love’s flow, again, you’ll find. 

I’m right here always with you, 
Don’ t feel you’re all alone, 
Together through it all, dear, 
God’a goodness will...

A Marvelous Unfolding

Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Marvelous Unfolding

Each day unfolds anew, dear one. Each day brings forth wonders to behold. It is as you open your eyes to see, when joined with Me, that these wonders unfold for you. You will be able to feel in your heart and mind, love flowing out to the world. In your very gut you...

The Garden Within

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Garden Within

My eyes are old and blurry,
Alas, I cannot see,
The details of the garden, 
Appear, but fuzzily.

The shape, the color, and the size,
Each flower face, a blur,
Only now a memory,
Of beauty, now obscure.

I mourn the loss...

Don't Give Up!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Don’t Give Up!

I am telling you that your writing makes a difference, there. You are feeling like letting the writings diminish and perhaps letting them go as you turn your next birthday. You are thinking it may be time to retire this whole thing. Haven’t you said enough? Isn’t the message...

Always I Am There

Monday, May 6, 2024

Always I Am There

I’m always there right with you,
Joined as One inside,
Not busy off in heaven, 
With you, I do abide. 

Just call My Name, I’ll hear you, 
Bring peace to mind, my dear, 
Remember that I love you, 
My words from love, you’ll hear.

Sacred Destiny

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sacred Destiny

Each life is a place, a point, where God’s love can shine through. How can this be done? By recognizing that love is the very fabric and function of our being. It is our sacred destiny to be this point of love and light, for it is the very purpose of our creation there,...

A Quiet Revolution

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Quiet Revolution

A quiet revolution,
Is unfolding there this day, 
Rapid change is happening,
Enlightenment’s on its way!

People now are waking up, 
To their greater reality,
Love’s energy of renewal, 
Brings truth for All to see.


Preparations Needed

Friday, May 3, 2024

Preparations Needed

Preparing for the end of life on earth is necessary for a smooth transition. It is truly worth the effort and the ‘stick-to-i-tive-ness’ for the peace of your being, to be fully prepared there. It may take some investigation and some diligence to find out what is appropriate...

A Gentle Passing

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Gentle Passing

You’re not alone to face things,
I’m with you fully there, 
I’ll bring to light what matters, 
Release the fear you bear. 

You’ll be strongly supported,
By family, friends, who care, 
Your end time not alone, dear, 
E’en then, such...

When All is Said and Done

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

When All Is Said and Done

When all is said and done and you are at the point of leaving the earth plane, you will be ready there. Your departure will not be a surprise event but a planned for and welcomed leaving. You will have felt you have accomplished your mission and your calling and...

Feel It! Embrace It! Knoe It!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Feel It! Embrace It! Know It!

Let go of trepidation,
Those bits of doubt and fear, 
That linger in the recesses, 
Of mind, not fully clear, 

I’m here to let you know, dear, 
Never alone are you, 
When you are thrown a curve ball,  
A tough patch...

An Awesome Proposition

Monday, April 29, 2024

An Awesome Proposition

Let  Me put forth an awesome proposition to you. Each and every individual is never alone as he or she sojourns on the earth plane. Always, each is accompanied by a spiritual guide who loves that one, and is available to guide him or her as that one willingly opens...

Joyous Anticipation

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Joyous Anticipation

Anticipating what’s to come,
Brings joy into my heart,
Planned, a family gathering,
We’ve been so long apart!

Children, great and grand, there, 
The one’s held, oh so dear,
At last, we’ll be together,
Comes forth, a joyous tear. 

Never Too Late

Saturday, April 27, 2024

It’s Never Too Late

No matter where you are in your life, it’s never too late to turn within to Me and find the truth of your being. You may have settled into a life pattern that includes not the spiritual dimension. You may have concluded that it doesn’t matter whether you believe or...

A Growing Recognition

Friday, April 26, 2024

A Growing Recognition

There’s a growing recognition,
Of love’s involvement there,
For as things have now unfolded,
You’ve known,  first hand, God’s care.

The providential timing, 
The meeting of the need,
Beyond just pure coincidence,
So marvelously...

Unsurpassed Clarity

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Unsurpassed Clarity

The words coming forth as you turn within to Me will not be muddied, nor ambiguous. They will not be confusing to you and they will not lead you astray, dear one, ever. My words are coming from the Transcendent mindset, the Wholeness of you, from Universal Mind, and...

What E'er Befalls You

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What E’er Befalls You

I’m with you there, we’re One, dear,
Each moment of each day,
Through easy times and hard times, 
My Presence leads the way. 

My love, a firm foundation,
Secure, you are at ease,
When mighty wind  is  blowing,
With Me, it’s...

When You Feel Empty

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When You Feel Empty

When you feel empty, you have blocked your joy from your awareness.  It is there to be discovered and to live out from, dear one. You are never without the inner presence of love and joy and it is only as you choose to experience it and ask fully for My Presence, that...

How Wonderful The Voice For Truth

Monday, April 22, 2024

How Wonderful, The Voice For Truth

How wonderful, the Voice for Truth, 
Through love, brings clarity,  
You move as One with God, dear
You’re perfect, whole, and free! 

Your body’s not the captain,
It follows mindset’s feed,
Your mind when joined with...

Ab Overflowing Heart

Sunday, April 21, 2024

An Overflowing Heart

The flow of love will never run dry. You need never worry that some difficulty in life will sever my love for you. The river of love never runs dry. Your experience of my love is truly there as you turn inward and ask Me in, dear one. Your free will, your willingness...

My Dedicated Presence

Saturday, April 20, 2024

My Dedicated Presence

My Dedicated Presence,
Always there, so near,
Means that you are not alone, 
Call on Me, my dear. 

My Presence, not a quirk, there, 
Not a sometime thing, 
Entwined as One, forever, 
True love, to you, I bring. 


Held in the Light

Friday, April 19, 2024

Held in the Light

You are held in the light of Iiving love, each and every moment. It is your birthright and your heritage to be sustained by the light and love of your Maker there, your Divine Parent, What does this mean? 
It means you can let go of the responsibility for generating...

Remember Who You Are

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remember Who You Are

Let’s share in God’s great glory,
By remembering who we are, 
Children sent to share good news,
Each one, a shining star!

Good news is shared in many ways,
Not just by words of speech,
Our actions and our mindsets,
Also clearly...

Chart Your Course With Me

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Chart your Course with Me

Life is a moment by moment unfolding. Life happens, unfolds, in the now moment. Each moment is the leading edge of the next one. Each action,  each decision, paves the way for what’s to come. So listening to the Voice for Truth, to Me, not only has immediate consequences,...

Willingness to Follow

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Willingness to Follow

Lead me Lord, I ask you,
Show me truth this day,
I’m going through a challenge, 
My vision’s gone astray. 

Found out my blurry vision, 
Is degeneration, there, 
They say its age - related, 
Causing me dispair!


Making the Adjustments

Monday, April 15, 2024

Making the Adjustments
I am there to help you as you are called on to make the adjustments in your life as circumstances change. You may have gone along smoothly for a long time, and then suddenly you are faced with a health concern, a money concern, a relationship issue or some other upset...

Where In God's Creation

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Where In God’s Creation

Where in God’s creation,
Best found, Transcendent’s View?
Where, directly, can be found,
What best pertains to you?

Each person has this viewpoint,
Uniquely, for that one,  
Right within each peaceful Mind,
 Shines Transcendent’s...

A Restorative Connection

Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Restorative Connection

As you join within to Me and as you open to My guidance, you have opened up to the connection of restoration, to the truth of whom you are.  As you listen with intent  to hear My Voice for Truth, you find joy in that I am always there. There’s relief, joy, and...

Love Meets Every Need

Friday, April 12, 2024

Love Meets Every Need

The needs on earth are many,
For life, there, to exist, 
There’s social and emotional,  
And physical needs persist.

Trained to use your thinking mind, 
To satisfy each need, 
Yet Transcendent Mind is truly, dear, 
Where needs...

Love Is The Answer

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Love Is The Answer

You may be going through a time of change in your life. Gradually, or suddenly you may now be  into a new phase or situation that will require adjustments in how you are living. Change is a constant and it will present itself to you in many possible ways. You have been...

The Movement of Creation

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Movement of Creation

The movement of creation,
’Tis not far off, but near, 
Love, God’s potent energy, 
Creates anew right here!

When mind and heart are heavy,
When joy seems far away,
Join and feel My love, there, 
’Twill lighten up the day.

Just Relax

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Just Relax

Do not feel uptight, to use your vernacular, about your life situation. The pressure to do something, to be active, to make things happen is prominent, there. Your worth is held as what you have accomplished, or what you are occupying your time with. Let Me dispel this idea...

Perfect, Whole, and Free

Monday, April 8, 2024

Perfect, Whole, and Free

Choose to see life clearly,
Remove the blockage, there,
Take away the impediments, 
And all that does impair.

The ego’s falsification,
Limits what is real,
Attempts to block true vision,
Your identity to steal. 

Be At Peace

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Be At Peace

We have spoken much of peace on this website. You know that it is a necessary precursor for you to find before you can hear the Voice for Truth, My Voice, or your own guide’s voice. It is a necessary precursor for the Transcendent Mindset to penetrate through to you, there. 

Rapturous Revelation

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Rapturous Revelation

It changed your life forever, 
When illumination came to you, 
Rapturous was the vision. 
When love came into view. 

There, but for an instant,
All the world was love,
Radiating meaning,
Words cannot speak of! 


What More Can Be Said?

Friday, April 5, 2024

What More Can be Said?

That’s like asking, what more does life have to offer? It is only in the living of it that one will find out. It is only as you quiet your thinking mindset and ask for the Transcendent view that the more of what can be said will come through. It is not something...

Cherish Every Moment

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Cherish Every Moment

Each day we share together,
Dear, it is brand new,
Seemingly repetitious,
Yet freshness, comes on through.

It’s in our constant joining,  
As One, we’ve sacred sight.
Transcendence leads us onward,
And love’s our beacon light. 

Quiet, Quiet, Quiet...

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Quiet, Quiet, Quiet…

The scribe is listening for the words that I will give her this morning and she is needing to focus back to Me again and again, as myriad thoughts flutter through her mind. She wants to hear the topic for this day and yet the thinking mindset, through force of habit,...

Soul Satisfaction

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Soul Satisfaction

No more do you feel longing,
Well met, your every need,
Joyful in each moment,
Soul satisfied, indeed!

Now that your heart is full. dear, 
Let’s let it overflow, 
So living love abundant,
Spills out, so others know, 


No Hidden Agenda

Monday, April 1, 2024

No Hidden Agenda

There is no duplicity here. I have no ulterior motive, nor does the scribe. What you read and what registers with you is what is intended. I am not intending to tear down traditional Christianity as it is given in your churches, but only to clarify what I meant when I...

An Easter Invitation

Sunday, March 31, 2024

An Easter Invitation

Many have arisen,
To go to church, to pray,
To sing out hallelujah,
It’s Resurrection Day! 

Triumphant is its message,
No ordinary thing, 
I rose from that dark sepulcher,
To show, death has no sting! 

Many people...

The Tomb Experience

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Tomb Experience

To many, My resurrection is what is doubted about the life  and story of Jesus. Verily, I tell you, I did return there, dear ones, and I did appear to many who saw Me and knew Me there. The tomb experience was but a  brief  interlude of consolidation and collaboration...

A Song Of Easter

Friday, March 29, 2024

A Song Of Easter

Let not the vision of the cross,
The tomb, the weeping, there,
Over shadow what’s to come, 
I rose again, to share, 

The good news of eternal life,
That death, it has no sting,
Your spiritual body always lives!
With joy, good news,...

A Great Misunderstanding

Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Great Misunderstanding

What is this great misunderstanding? You are not a sinner, worthy of condemnation and left out of the kingdom if you do not repent. You are not inherently evil, dear one. You are inherently good, God’s child, and filled with the energy, the substance of living...

Take Time To Care

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Take Time To Care 

You received a phone call,
A friend was calling you,
Invited you to lunch, dear,
Time spent with her, past due. 

She had made the effort,
Put out the energy,
You are grateful that she called, 
She’s worthy company!


Up Close And Personal

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Up Close and Personal

What I write pertains to you, dear reader. This message is up close and personal for you and not just words to dismiss as just another message. These words are for you and meant to stir you to join with Me and come into direct connection yourself. You are the one...

The Answers Come From Jpining

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Answers Come From Joining

I’m telling you most clearly,
Put your faith in Me, 
Put your faith in living love, 
Brings forth God’s Will for thee. 

The problems you are facing,
The needs that must be met,
The answers will be given, 
Don’t worry...

Palm Sunday, A Celebratory Day

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday, A Celebratory Day

The Bible relates that this day I rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and was heralded as a king by the people there. Always, I was accompanied by spiritual guidance from my Father, and I was listening to the Voice for Truth each step of the way. I was not without...

The Light Inside

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Light Inside

Your Being, it is light, dear, 
Not dim, but bright its glow,
Lightening the darkness,
Wherever you may go. 

Compared, perhaps, to star light,
More like the sun’s bright ray,
Shining forth in radiance, 
Let’s brighten up each day. 

Smiles anf Tears

Friday, March 22, 2024

Smiles and Tears

The scribe is remembering her mother, now gone, who would have recently had a birthday. Her feelings run deep, for she loved her mom. I’m here to tell the scribe that her mother holds her dear, and is not far from her there. Let us remember that the spiritual reality of...

Your Uniqueness

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Your Uniqueness

No one else is like you,
Truly, one of a kind,
A Being there, original,
In body, soul and mind.  

Created there to give your gifts,
God’s light will shine on through,
As you join in Mind with Me, 
You’ll give what’s uniquely you. 

The Value Of Kinship

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Value Of Kinship

Are you blessed to have a circle of friends who know you and who you know well? Do you belong to a group, a club, a church, or an organization that provides connection to these ones frequently? There is profound value in being involved with others there. Why? Because...

The Only Answer

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Only Answer

Clearly, Lord, I’m aging, 
My stomach’s gone to pot,
My hair is like the snow, Lord,
Wrinkles, I’ve a lot. 

My sight is fuzzy, blurry, 
Must be the cataracts,
My joints, like sticks and stones, Lord,
Can crunch like cracker jacks! 

Other Teachers, Other Sites

Monday, March 18, 2024

Other Teachers, Other Sites

I encourage each one who comes to this site, to also explore fully other mystics, teachers, and other spiritually in tune ones, who have as their purpose, awakening you to your Oneness there. I am not in competition with others, nor am I absent from those ones...

St. Patrick's Day 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024

St. Patrick's Day, 2024

A lowly priest of long ago, 
Came to Ireland to say, 
Christ exists all through me, 
In each and every way. 

His life was a true witness, 
His love for Me came through,
And in this love, the people, 
Came to know Me, too. 

Current Messages

"Randi, let's use this page to tell the good news of direct connection to inner guidance. Let’s try to write something daily or as often as we can. I will give you words to say. "


"I'm listening, Lord..."


Archive page from original site